It is looks like W3C's validator return a validation error on prettyPhoto's rel attribute for HTML5 pages. How do I solve this error?

Bad value prettyPhoto[gallery1] for attribute rel on element a: Keyword prettyphoto[gallery1] is not registered.

Many thanks!

3 Answers 3


Using rel attribute with non-proposed (thus not allowed) values not valid for HTML5 markup. Value prettyPhoto is not in the list of proposed values. So you may face the difficulties with getting your web-page with image gallery passing validation.

A Possible Solution:

  1. Open jquery.prettyPhoto.js (presumably non-minified one) and perform find & replace function of your text-editor:

    replace all occurrences of attr('rel') with attr('data-gal').

  2. In your gallery code use:


    instead of:


  3. Initialize your prettyPhoto with:


    And you are on the right way for getting your code valid!

You can also read this article with this possible solution.

  • Same for me. In the end it is even easier than that. Change hook: 'rel' into whatever you need. Thanks to all posters here! Awesome help (as usual)!!!
    – Garavani
    Oct 21, 2015 at 6:52

You can use the (undocumented) hook setting as mentioned in the comments here.

Specify your links like this: <a href="img.jpg" data-gal="prettyPhoto[gal]"></a> and use $("a[data-gal^='prettyPhoto'").prettyPhoto({hook: 'data-gal'}); to initialize prettyPhoto.


You can also fix it by updating the settings to use the class hook:

s = jQuery.extend({
        hook: "rel",
        animation_speed: "fast",
        ajaxcallback: function() {},
        slideshow: 5e3,
        autoplay_slideshow: false,
        opacity: .8,


s = jQuery.extend({
        hook: "class",

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