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#227 Re: Флейм » Зарплата программиста и дизайнера » 2013-10-22 23:39:02

Т.е. я верстаю, натягиваю на цмс, навешиваю карусели-слайдеры и другие модули программирую. И все это за 30%. Нормально? Кстати, независимо визитка это или инет.магазин или даже портал.

Ну 30% это не 30 дол, и независимо визитка это или инет.магазин или даже портал., как раз зависимо, 30% от 100$ и 30% от 1000$ как говорят это две большие разницы.

Ну и во-вторый, а если чесно самое главное, то тот кто в своей жизни хоть что то продавал тот знает, если есть клиент который платит за работу то кому ее сделать всегда найдется, если денег нету то ты хоть десять раз верстай, натягивай, крути и т.д. это стоит ровно 0$!

Поэтому если вы только исполнитель, а все остальное делает он то ему 70% очень даже справедливо, если честно даже мало, так как вы на свою работу тратите ровно столько времени сколько надо чтоб сделать то что вам сказали, а его работа кроме дизайна это 24 часа в сутки поиск денег.

у дизайнера задачи только к клиентам ездить и в фотошопе сидеть

так говорит может только человек который никогда дела неимел с клиентами, если у вас есть знания дизайнера так чего ви с ним работаете, ищите клиентов сами и будет все 100% вам, вы и директор, вы и бухгалтер, вы и программер, вы и хостер, вы и коллектор что в последнее время чуть ли не самое главное)) и т.д.

#228 Re: "У меня не работает..." » Не загружеются файли больше 2мб » 2013-10-09 16:49:23

Решилось. проблема на пользователе сервера была, права на запись файлов были запрещены

#229 Re: "У меня не работает..." » Не загружеются файли больше 2мб » 2013-10-09 16:00:47

у меня похожая проблема только с изображениями
Перенес сайт на другой сервер, все до этого было супер, счас при загрузке изображения вот такая ошыбка

1.jpeg (73.78KB) - 100%
(303) array ( 'Filedata' => array ( 'name' => '1.jpeg', 'type' => 'application/octet-stream', 'tmp_name' => '/tmp/phpVUQYUt', 'error' => 0, 'size' => 75552, ), )Невідома помилка - тимчасовий файл не існує (1.jpeg).

проверил уже все, и пути, и права за запись, хз, где еще копать?

#231 Re: "У меня не работает..." » 404 Not Found nginx/1.1.10 » 2013-09-27 11:35:46

ahatomik, а какая именно последняя версия у тебя установлена?

#232 Re: Запросы плагинов » Плагин Калькулятор калорий » 2013-09-27 00:46:56

а можеш сделать это в варианте плагина?, чтоб можно было самому создавать ячейки, продукти и т.д.

#233 Re: Страницы плагинов » make_links :: Ссылки на главную в новостях » 2013-09-20 20:10:39

незнаю, может чтото в тот раз нето отключил, но счас вот все проверил, ads_pro включен, make_links - выключен

SQL queries:
[ 0.0013 ] select nc.*, as icon_id, as icon_name, as icon_storage, ni.folder as icon_folder, ni.preview as icon_preview, ni.width as icon_width, ni.height as icon_height, ni.p_width as icon_pwidth, ni.p_height as icon_pheight from `2z_category` as nc left join `2z_images` ni on nc.image_id = order by nc.posorder asc
[ 0.0001 ] select * from 2z_users where authcookie = '98a1faf8b0cb48ebfa066b4f5bef2a52' limit 1
[ 0.0019 ] SELECT * FROM 2z_news WHERE (`approve` = '1') AND (`mainpage` = '1') order by pinned desc, postdate desc limit 0,100
[ 0 ] SELECT count(*) as count FROM 2z_news WHERE (`approve` = '1') AND (`mainpage` = '1')
[ 0.0012 ] select * from 2z_images where (linked_ds = 1) and (linked_id in (142575, 142492, 142548, 142542, 142541, 142540, 142533, 142484, 142451, 142486, 142494, 142487, 142474, 142460, 142446, 142421, 142406, 142405, 142401, 142353, 142321, 142255, 142289, 142298, 142288, 142269, 142258, 142237, 142263, 142253, 142246, 142243, 142232, 142221, 142208, 142205, 142204, 142053, 142167, 142165, 142137, 142132, 142107, 142074, 142032, 142021, 142003, 141997, 141989, 141976, 141959, 141895, 141940, 141893, 141897, 141886, 141880, 141872, 141860, 141839, 141825, 141813, 141764, 141792, 141793, 141778, 141746, 141759, 141744, 141709, 141636, 141631, 141634, 141632, 141612, 141626, 141609, 141607, 141536, 141577, 141576, 141569, 141554, 141552, 141477, 141486, 141509, 141498, 141472, 141471, 141459, 141448, 141445))
Time profiler:
Time	Delta	Event	Memory (now/peak)	Desc
0.000	 0.000	Config file is loaded	 0.689 Mb / 0.692 Mb	
0.002	 0.002	Core files are included	 0.890 Mb / 0.894 Mb	
0.006	 0.004	Template engine is activated	 1.484 Mb / 1.490 Mb	
0.007	 0.001	DB connection established	 1.530 Mb / 1.536 Mb	
0.009	 0.001	DB category list is loaded	 2.441 Mb / 2.458 Mb	
0.009	 0.000	Ready to load auth plugins	 2.443 Mb / 2.458 Mb	
0.010	 0.001	loadActionHandlers(auth): preloaded file "auth_basic/auth_basic.php" for 0.0012 sec	 3.072 Mb / 3.222 Mb	
0.010	 0.000	Auth procedure is finished	 3.174 Mb / 3.222 Mb	
0.011	 0.000	ALL core-related plugins are loaded	 3.184 Mb / 3.222 Mb	
0.011	 0.000	executeActionHandler (core)	 3.187 Mb / 3.222 Mb	
0.011	 0.001	loadPluginLibrary: xfields [common] for 0.0001 sec	 3.245 Mb / 3.265 Mb	
0.012	 0.000	loadPluginLibrary: uprofile [lib] for 0.0001 sec	 3.259 Mb / 3.275 Mb	
0.012	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(core): preloaded file "xfields/xfields.php" for 0.001 sec	 3.266 Mb / 3.281 Mb	
0.012	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(core): preloaded file "ads_pro/ads_pro.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.287 Mb / 3.297 Mb	
0.012	 0.000	ALL core-related plugins are executed	 3.286 Mb / 3.299 Mb	
0.013	 0.001	* CORE.PHP is complete	 3.337 Mb / 3.394 Mb	
0.013	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index_pre)	 3.343 Mb / 3.398 Mb	
0.013	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index_pre): preloaded file "multi_main/multi_main.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.348 Mb / 3.402 Mb	
0.013	 0.000	Search route for URL "/"	 3.349 Mb / 3.404 Mb	
0.013	 0.000	URL Processor for [news][main]	 3.356 Mb / 3.409 Mb	
0.015	 0.002	loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "comments/comments.php" for 0.0014 sec	 3.452 Mb / 3.483 Mb	
0.015	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "ads/ads.php" for 0.0002 sec	 3.471 Mb / 3.498 Mb	
0.016	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "tags/tags.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.491 Mb / 3.513 Mb	
0.016	 0.000	All [news] plugins are preloaded	 3.456 Mb / 3.513 Mb	
0.020	 0.004	loadActionHandlers(news_short): preloaded file "bb_media/bb_media.php" for 0.0002 sec	 5.248 Mb / 5.262 Mb	
0.593	 0.573	URL handler execution is finished	 3.612 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.593	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index)	 3.615 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.594	 0.001	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "breadcrumbs/breadcrumbs.php" for 0.0004 sec	 3.620 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.594	 0.001	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "football_stats/football_stats.php" for 0.0006 sec	 3.642 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.595	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "elka/elka.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.645 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.595	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "lastcomments/lastcomments.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.651 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.595	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "posters/posters.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.654 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.595	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "calendar/calendar.php" for 0.0002 sec	 3.660 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.595	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "mainlink/mainlink.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.663 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.596	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "xnews/xnews.php" for 0.0002 sec	 3.667 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.596	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index): call function "plugin_ads" for 0.0003 sec	 3.676 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.596	 0.001	executeActionHandler (index): call function "plugin_tags_cloudblock" for 0.0005 sec	 3.683 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.597	 0.001	executeActionHandler (index): call function "breadcrumbs" for 0.0005 sec	 3.686 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.626	 0.029	executeActionHandler (index): call function "showTablesMain" for 0.029 sec	 4.169 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.626	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index): call function "elka" for 0.0004 sec	 4.208 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.627	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index): call function "lastcomments_block" for 0.0003 sec	 4.215 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.631	 0.005	executeActionHandler (index): call function "posters" for 0.0046 sec	 4.238 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.632	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index): call function "plugin_calendar" for 0.0002 sec	 4.243 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.633	 0.001	executeActionHandler (index): call function "plugin_mainlink" for 0.0012 sec	 4.301 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.633	 0.000	General plugins execution is finished	 4.301 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.643	 0.010	Category menu created	 4.307 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.645	 0.002	executeActionHandler (index_post)	 4.338 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.645	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index_post): preloaded file "simple_title_pro/index.php" for 0.0001 sec	 4.342 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.646	 0.001	loadActionHandlers(index_post): preloaded file "ads_sape/ads_sape.php" for 0.0004 sec	 4.402 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.647	 0.001	executeActionHandler (index_post): call function "plugin_ads_pro" for 0.0015 sec	 4.418 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.648	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index_post): call function "plugin_multi_main" for 0 sec	 4.420 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.648	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index_post): call function "simple_title_pro" for 0.0001 sec	 4.422 Mb / 5.734 Mb	
0.661	 0.014	executeActionHandler (index_post): call function "plugin_ads_sape" for 0.0138 sec	 4.426 Mb / 10.802 Mb	
0.662	 0.000	Templates generation time: 0.11637854576111 (176 times called)	 4.434 Mb / 10.802 Mb	
0.662	 0.000	Generate DEBUG output

ads_pro включен, make_links - включен

SQL queries:
[ 0.0013 ] select nc.*, as icon_id, as icon_name, as icon_storage, ni.folder as icon_folder, ni.preview as icon_preview, ni.width as icon_width, ni.height as icon_height, ni.p_width as icon_pwidth, ni.p_height as icon_pheight from `2z_category` as nc left join `2z_images` ni on nc.image_id = order by nc.posorder asc
[ 0.0001 ] select * from 2z_users where authcookie = '98a1faf8b0cb48ebfa066b4f5bef2a52' limit 1
[ 0.0017 ] SELECT * FROM 2z_news WHERE (`approve` = '1') AND (`mainpage` = '1') order by pinned desc, postdate desc limit 0,100
[ 9.9999999999999E-5 ] SELECT count(*) as count FROM 2z_news WHERE (`approve` = '1') AND (`mainpage` = '1')
[ 0.0008 ] select * from 2z_images where (linked_ds = 1) and (linked_id in (142575, 142492, 142548, 142542, 142541, 142540, 142533, 142484, 142451, 142486, 142494, 142487, 142474, 142460, 142446, 142421, 142406, 142405, 142401, 142353, 142321, 142255, 142289, 142298, 142288, 142269, 142258, 142237, 142263, 142253, 142246, 142243, 142232, 142221, 142208, 142205, 142204, 142053, 142167, 142165, 142137, 142132, 142107, 142074, 142032, 142021, 142003, 141997, 141989, 141976, 141959, 141895, 141940, 141893, 141897, 141886, 141880, 141872, 141860, 141839, 141825, 141813, 141764, 141792, 141793, 141778, 141746, 141759, 141744, 141709, 141636, 141631, 141634, 141632, 141612, 141626, 141609, 141607, 141536, 141577, 141576, 141569, 141554, 141552, 141477, 141486, 141509, 141498, 141472, 141471, 141459, 141448, 141445))
Time profiler:
Time	Delta	Event	Memory (now/peak)	Desc
0.000	 0.000	Config file is loaded	 0.689 Mb / 0.692 Mb	
0.001	 0.001	Core files are included	 0.890 Mb / 0.894 Mb	
0.005	 0.003	Template engine is activated	 1.484 Mb / 1.490 Mb	
0.005	 0.001	DB connection established	 1.530 Mb / 1.536 Mb	
0.006	 0.001	DB category list is loaded	 2.441 Mb / 2.458 Mb	
0.006	 0.000	Ready to load auth plugins	 2.443 Mb / 2.458 Mb	
0.008	 0.001	loadActionHandlers(auth): preloaded file "auth_basic/auth_basic.php" for 0.0012 sec	 3.073 Mb / 3.222 Mb	
0.008	 0.000	Auth procedure is finished	 3.175 Mb / 3.222 Mb	
0.008	 0.000	ALL core-related plugins are loaded	 3.185 Mb / 3.222 Mb	
0.009	 0.000	executeActionHandler (core)	 3.187 Mb / 3.222 Mb	
0.009	 0.001	loadPluginLibrary: xfields [common] for 0.0002 sec	 3.246 Mb / 3.266 Mb	
0.009	 0.000	loadPluginLibrary: uprofile [lib] for 0.0001 sec	 3.259 Mb / 3.275 Mb	
0.010	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(core): preloaded file "xfields/xfields.php" for 0.0011 sec	 3.267 Mb / 3.282 Mb	
0.010	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(core): preloaded file "ads_pro/ads_pro.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.288 Mb / 3.298 Mb	
0.010	 0.000	ALL core-related plugins are executed	 3.287 Mb / 3.299 Mb	
0.011	 0.001	* CORE.PHP is complete	 3.338 Mb / 3.395 Mb	
0.011	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index_pre)	 3.344 Mb / 3.399 Mb	
0.011	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index_pre): preloaded file "multi_main/multi_main.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.348 Mb / 3.403 Mb	
0.011	 0.000	Search route for URL "/"	 3.349 Mb / 3.404 Mb	
0.011	 0.000	URL Processor for [news][main]	 3.356 Mb / 3.409 Mb	
0.012	 0.002	loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "comments/comments.php" for 0.0009 sec	 3.452 Mb / 3.484 Mb	
0.013	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "ads/ads.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.471 Mb / 3.499 Mb	
0.013	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "tags/tags.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.491 Mb / 3.514 Mb
0.013	 0.000	All [news] plugins are preloaded	 3.521 Mb / 3.612 Mb	
0.017	 0.003	loadActionHandlers(news_short): preloaded file "bb_media/bb_media.php" for 0.0002 sec	 5.313 Mb / 5.328 Mb	
2.134	 2.117	URL handler execution is finished	 3.677 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.134	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index)	 3.679 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.139	 0.005	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "breadcrumbs/breadcrumbs.php" for 0.0042 sec	 3.685 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.144	 0.005	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "football_stats/football_stats.php" for 0.0044 sec	 3.707 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.146	 0.002	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "elka/elka.php" for 0.0007 sec	 3.710 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.147	 0.001	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "lastcomments/lastcomments.php" for 0.0006 sec	 3.715 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.148	 0.001	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "posters/posters.php" for 0.0007 sec	 3.719 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.149	 0.001	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "calendar/calendar.php" for 0.0005 sec	 3.725 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.150	 0.001	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "mainlink/mainlink.php" for 0.0006 sec	 3.728 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.151	 0.001	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "xnews/xnews.php" for 0.0005 sec	 3.731 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.152	 0.001	executeActionHandler (index): call function "plugin_ads" for 0.0004 sec	 3.741 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.156	 0.004	executeActionHandler (index): call function "plugin_tags_cloudblock" for 0.0039 sec	 3.748 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.160	 0.005	executeActionHandler (index): call function "breadcrumbs" for 0.0045 sec	 3.751 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.406	 0.246	executeActionHandler (index): call function "showTablesMain" for 0.2456 sec	 4.234 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.406	 0.001	executeActionHandler (index): call function "elka" for 0.0005 sec	 4.273 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.407	 0.001	executeActionHandler (index): call function "lastcomments_block" for 0.0009 sec	 4.281 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.421	 0.013	executeActionHandler (index): call function "posters" for 0.0131 sec	 4.303 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.421	 0.001	executeActionHandler (index): call function "plugin_calendar" for 0.0006 sec	 4.308 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.424	 0.003	executeActionHandler (index): call function "plugin_mainlink" for 0.0027 sec	 4.367 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.424	 0.000	General plugins execution is finished	 4.367 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.436	 0.012	Category menu created	 4.373 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.445	 0.009	executeActionHandler (index_post)	 4.404 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.446	 0.001	loadActionHandlers(index_post): preloaded file "simple_title_pro/index.php" for 0.0007 sec	 4.408 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.449	 0.002	loadActionHandlers(index_post): preloaded file "ads_sape/ads_sape.php" for 0.0013 sec	 4.467 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.454	 0.005	executeActionHandler (index_post): call function "plugin_ads_pro" for 0.0053 sec	 4.484 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.454	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index_post): call function "plugin_multi_main" for 0.0001 sec	 4.486 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.454	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index_post): call function "simple_title_pro" for 0.0001 sec	 4.488 Mb / 5.803 Mb	
2.475	 0.021	executeActionHandler (index_post): call function "plugin_ads_sape" for 0.0211 sec	 4.492 Mb / 10.869 Mb	
2.475	 0.000	Templates generation time: 0.1686680316925 (176 times called)	 4.500 Mb / 10.869 Mb	
2.475	 0.000	Generate DEBUG output	 4.502 Mb / 10.869 Mb

#234 Re: Запросы плагинов » Плагин Калькулятор калорий » 2013-09-20 19:39:18

надо сделать чтоб это было более менее нормально, а не куча левого гавнокода и js

#236 Re: Страницы плагинов » make_links :: Ссылки на главную в новостях » 2013-09-20 13:59:33

насколько я понял, самый большой скачек идет тут

0.626     0.007    loadActionHandlers(news_short): preloaded file "bb_media/bb_media.php" for 0.0008 sec     5.241 Mb / 5.256 Mb    
1.441     0.815    URL handler execution is finished     3.613 Mb / 5.723 Mb    
1.441     0.000    executeActionHandler (index)     3.615 Mb / 5.723 Mb

и тут

1.517     0.000    loadActionHandlers(index_post): preloaded file "ads_sape/ads_sape.php" for 0.0003 sec     4.399 Mb / 5.723 Mb    
2.581     1.064    executeActionHandler (index_post): call function "plugin_ads_pro" for 1.0642 sec     4.436 Mb / 5.723 Mb    
2.582     0.000    executeActionHandler (index_post): call function "plugin_multi_main" for 0 sec     4.439 Mb / 5.723 Mb

немогу понять с чем связан конфликт, что сразу такая резкая нагрузка

#237 Re: Страницы плагинов » make_links :: Ссылки на главную в новостях » 2013-09-20 13:22:49

вот при выключеном

SQL queries:
[ 0.0012 ] select nc.*, as icon_id, as icon_name, as icon_storage, ni.folder as icon_folder, ni.preview as icon_preview, ni.width as icon_width, ni.height as icon_height, ni.p_width as icon_pwidth, ni.p_height as icon_pheight from `2z_category` as nc left join `2z_images` ni on nc.image_id = order by nc.posorder asc
[ 0.0001 ] select * from 2z_users where authcookie = '98a1faf8b0cb48ebfa066b4f5bef2a52' limit 1
[ 0.0021 ] SELECT * FROM 2z_news WHERE (`approve` = '1') AND (`mainpage` = '1') order by pinned desc, postdate desc limit 0,100
[ 0 ] SELECT count(*) as count FROM 2z_news WHERE (`approve` = '1') AND (`mainpage` = '1')
[ 0.0012 ] select * from 2z_images where (linked_ds = 1) and (linked_id in (142492, 142548, 142542, 142541, 142540, 142533, 142484, 142451, 142486, 142494, 142487, 142474, 142460, 142446, 142421, 142406, 142405, 142401, 142353, 142321, 142255, 142289, 142298, 142288, 142269, 142258, 142237, 142263, 142253, 142246, 142243, 142232, 142221, 142208, 142205, 142204, 142053, 142167, 142165, 142137, 142132, 142107, 142074, 142032, 142021, 142003, 141997, 141989, 141976, 141959, 141895, 141940, 141893, 141897, 141886, 141880, 141872, 141860, 141839, 141825, 141813, 141764, 141792, 141793, 141778, 141746, 141759, 141744, 141709, 141636, 141631, 141634, 141632, 141612, 141626, 141609, 141607, 141536, 141577, 141576, 141569, 141554, 141552, 141477, 141486, 141509, 141498, 141472, 141471, 141459, 141448, 141445, 141444))
Time profiler:
Time	Delta	Event	Memory (now/peak)	Desc
0.000	 0.000	Config file is loaded	 0.689 Mb / 0.693 Mb	
0.001	 0.001	Core files are included	 0.891 Mb / 0.894 Mb	
0.005	 0.003	Template engine is activated	 1.485 Mb / 1.490 Mb	
0.005	 0.001	DB connection established	 1.531 Mb / 1.536 Mb	
0.007	 0.001	DB category list is loaded	 2.442 Mb / 2.458 Mb	
0.007	 0.000	Ready to load auth plugins	 2.444 Mb / 2.458 Mb	
0.008	 0.001	loadActionHandlers(auth): preloaded file "auth_basic/auth_basic.php" for 0.0012 sec	 3.072 Mb / 3.222 Mb	
0.008	 0.000	Auth procedure is finished	 3.174 Mb / 3.222 Mb	
0.009	 0.000	ALL core-related plugins are loaded	 3.184 Mb / 3.222 Mb	
0.009	 0.000	executeActionHandler (core)	 3.186 Mb / 3.222 Mb	
0.009	 0.001	loadPluginLibrary: xfields [common] for 0.0001 sec	 3.245 Mb / 3.265 Mb	
0.010	 0.000	loadPluginLibrary: uprofile [lib] for 0.0001 sec	 3.259 Mb / 3.275 Mb	
0.010	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(core): preloaded file "xfields/xfields.php" for 0.0011 sec	 3.266 Mb / 3.281 Mb	
0.010	 0.000	ALL core-related plugins are executed	 3.267 Mb / 3.283 Mb	
0.010	 0.001	* CORE.PHP is complete	 3.318 Mb / 3.375 Mb	
0.010	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index_pre)	 3.324 Mb / 3.379 Mb	
0.011	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index_pre): preloaded file "multi_main/multi_main.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.329 Mb / 3.383 Mb	
0.011	 0.000	Search route for URL "/"	 3.331 Mb / 3.385 Mb	
0.011	 0.000	URL Processor for [news][main]	 3.338 Mb / 3.390 Mb	
0.012	 0.002	loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "comments/comments.php" for 0.0009 sec	 3.433 Mb / 3.465 Mb	
0.013	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "ads/ads.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.453 Mb / 3.480 Mb	
0.013	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "tags/tags.php" for 0.0002 sec	 3.473 Mb / 3.495 Mb	
0.013	 0.000	All [news] plugins are preloaded	 3.438 Mb / 3.495 Mb	
0.017	 0.004	loadActionHandlers(news_short): preloaded file "bb_media/bb_media.php" for 0.0002 sec	 5.230 Mb / 5.245 Mb	
0.583	 0.566	URL handler execution is finished	 3.594 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.583	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index)	 3.597 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.584	 0.001	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "breadcrumbs/breadcrumbs.php" for 0.0005 sec	 3.603 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.585	 0.001	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "football_stats/football_stats.php" for 0.0005 sec	 3.624 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.585	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "elka/elka.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.628 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.585	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "lastcomments/lastcomments.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.633 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.585	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "posters/posters.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.636 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.585	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "calendar/calendar.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.642 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.586	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "mainlink/mainlink.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.645 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.586	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "xnews/xnews.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.649 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.586	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index): call function "plugin_ads" for 0.0003 sec	 3.658 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.587	 0.001	executeActionHandler (index): call function "plugin_tags_cloudblock" for 0.0006 sec	 3.665 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.587	 0.001	executeActionHandler (index): call function "breadcrumbs" for 0.0006 sec	 3.668 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.610	 0.022	executeActionHandler (index): call function "showTablesMain" for 0.0222 sec	 4.151 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.610	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index): call function "elka" for 0.0003 sec	 4.190 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.610	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index): call function "lastcomments_block" for 0.0002 sec	 4.198 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.614	 0.004	executeActionHandler (index): call function "posters" for 0.0037 sec	 4.221 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.614	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index): call function "plugin_calendar" for 0.0002 sec	 4.225 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.615	 0.001	executeActionHandler (index): call function "plugin_mainlink" for 0.0012 sec	 4.284 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.616	 0.000	General plugins execution is finished	 4.284 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.624	 0.009	Category menu created	 4.290 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.627	 0.002	executeActionHandler (index_post)	 4.321 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.627	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index_post): preloaded file "simple_title_pro/index.php" for 0.0002 sec	 4.325 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.627	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index_post): preloaded file "ads_sape/ads_sape.php" for 0.0004 sec	 4.384 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.628	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index_post): call function "plugin_multi_main" for 0.0001 sec	 4.387 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.628	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index_post): call function "simple_title_pro" for 0 sec	 4.389 Mb / 5.716 Mb	
0.642	 0.014	executeActionHandler (index_post): call function "plugin_ads_sape" for 0.0143 sec	 4.392 Mb / 10.726 Mb	
0.642	 0.000	Templates generation time: 0.11212992668152 (176 times called)	 4.401 Mb / 10.726 Mb	
0.642	 0.000	Generate DEBUG output	 4.403 Mb / 10.726 Mb

#238 Запросы плагинов » Плагин Калькулятор калорий » 2013-09-20 13:18:11

Ответов: 25

Кто может взяться за разработку вот такого вот плагина
Калькулятор калорий

Бюджет +-100баксов

#239 Re: Страницы плагинов » make_links :: Ссылки на главную в новостях » 2013-09-19 19:36:32

а с чем тогда связано что когда я его выключаю на главной генерация с 2,6секунд падает до 0,7сек ?

#240 Re: Страницы плагинов » make_links :: Ссылки на главную в новостях » 2013-09-19 15:54:42

SQL queries:
[ 0.0018 ] select nc.*, as icon_id, as icon_name, as icon_storage, ni.folder as icon_folder, ni.preview as icon_preview, ni.width as icon_width, ni.height as icon_height, ni.p_width as icon_pwidth, ni.p_height as icon_pheight from `2z_category` as nc left join `2z_images` ni on nc.image_id = order by nc.posorder asc
[ 0.0008 ] select * from 2z_users where authcookie = '98a1faf8b0cb48ebfa066b4f5bef2a52' limit 1
[ 0.0025 ] SELECT * FROM 2z_news WHERE (`approve` = '1') AND (`mainpage` = '1') order by pinned desc, postdate desc limit 0,100
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] SELECT count(*) as count FROM 2z_news WHERE (`approve` = '1') AND (`mainpage` = '1')
[ 0.002 ] select * from 2z_images where (linked_ds = 1) and (linked_id in (142486, 142487, 142484, 142451, 142474, 142460, 142446, 142421, 142406, 142405, 142401, 142353, 142321, 142255, 142289, 142298, 142288, 142269, 142258, 142237, 142263, 142253, 142246, 142243, 142232, 142221, 142208, 142205, 142204, 142053, 142167, 142165, 142137, 142132, 142107, 142074, 142032, 142021, 142003, 141997, 141989, 141976, 141959, 141895, 141940, 141893, 141897, 141886, 141880, 141872, 141860, 141839, 141825, 141813, 141764, 141792, 141793, 141778, 141746, 141759, 141744, 141709, 141636, 141631, 141634, 141632, 141612, 141626, 141609, 141607, 141536, 141577, 141576, 141569, 141554, 141552, 141477, 141486, 141509, 141498, 141472, 141471, 141459, 141448, 141445, 141444, 141442, 141431, 141428, 141424, 141383, 141381, 141371))
[ 0.0001 ] select ads_blok from 2z_ads_pro where id='14'
[ 0.0001 ] select ads_blok from 2z_ads_pro where id='44'
Time profiler:
Time	Delta	Event	Memory (now/peak)	Desc
0.000	 0.000	Config file is loaded	 0.689 Mb / 0.692 Mb	
0.522	 0.522	Core files are included	 0.890 Mb / 0.893 Mb	
0.556	 0.034	Template engine is activated	 1.484 Mb / 1.489 Mb	
0.559	 0.003	DB connection established	 1.530 Mb / 1.535 Mb	
0.561	 0.002	DB category list is loaded	 2.441 Mb / 2.457 Mb	
0.561	 0.000	Ready to load auth plugins	 2.443 Mb / 2.457 Mb	
0.567	 0.006	loadActionHandlers(auth): preloaded file "auth_basic/auth_basic.php" for 0.004 sec	 3.073 Mb / 3.222 Mb	
0.570	 0.003	Auth procedure is finished	 3.174 Mb / 3.222 Mb	
0.570	 0.000	ALL core-related plugins are loaded	 3.184 Mb / 3.222 Mb	
0.570	 0.000	executeActionHandler (core)	 3.187 Mb / 3.222 Mb	
0.588	 0.018	loadPluginLibrary: xfields [common] for 0.012 sec	 3.246 Mb / 3.265 Mb	
0.589	 0.001	loadPluginLibrary: uprofile [lib] for 0.0006 sec	 3.259 Mb / 3.275 Mb	
0.589	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(core): preloaded file "xfields/xfields.php" for 0.0177 sec	 3.267 Mb / 3.282 Mb	
0.590	 0.001	loadActionHandlers(core): preloaded file "ads_pro/ads_pro.php" for 0.0006 sec	 3.288 Mb / 3.298 Mb	
0.590	 0.000	ALL core-related plugins are executed	 3.287 Mb / 3.299 Mb	
0.592	 0.002	* CORE.PHP is complete	 3.338 Mb / 3.395 Mb	
0.592	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index_pre)	 3.343 Mb / 3.399 Mb	
0.594	 0.002	loadActionHandlers(index_pre): preloaded file "multi_main/multi_main.php" for 0.0011 sec	 3.348 Mb / 3.403 Mb	
0.594	 0.000	Search route for URL "/"	 3.349 Mb / 3.404 Mb	
0.594	 0.000	URL Processor for [news][main]	 3.356 Mb / 3.409 Mb	
0.616	 0.022	loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "comments/comments.php" for 0.0183 sec	 3.452 Mb / 3.484 Mb	
0.617	 0.001	loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "ads/ads.php" for 0.0005 sec	 3.471 Mb / 3.499 Mb	
0.619	 0.002	loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "tags/tags.php" for 0.0009 sec	 3.491 Mb / 3.513 Mb	
0.619	 0.000	All [news] plugins are preloaded	 3.456 Mb / 3.514 Mb	
0.626	 0.007	loadActionHandlers(news_short): preloaded file "bb_media/bb_media.php" for 0.0008 sec	 5.241 Mb / 5.256 Mb	
1.441	 0.815	URL handler execution is finished	 3.613 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.441	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index)	 3.615 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.442	 0.001	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "breadcrumbs/breadcrumbs.php" for 0.0005 sec	 3.621 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.443	 0.001	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "football_stats/football_stats.php" for 0.0006 sec	 3.643 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.443	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "elka/elka.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.646 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.443	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "lastcomments/lastcomments.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.651 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.443	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "posters/posters.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.655 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.444	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "calendar/calendar.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.660 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.444	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "mainlink/mainlink.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.664 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.444	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "xnews/xnews.php" for 0.0001 sec	 3.667 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.444	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index): call function "plugin_ads" for 0.0003 sec	 3.676 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.445	 0.001	executeActionHandler (index): call function "plugin_tags_cloudblock" for 0.0009 sec	 3.680 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.446	 0.001	executeActionHandler (index): call function "breadcrumbs" for 0.0007 sec	 3.683 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.498	 0.052	executeActionHandler (index): call function "showTablesMain" for 0.0518 sec	 4.166 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.498	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index): call function "elka" for 0.0003 sec	 4.205 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.499	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index): call function "lastcomments_block" for 0.0003 sec	 4.213 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.505	 0.006	executeActionHandler (index): call function "posters" for 0.0059 sec	 4.235 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.505	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index): call function "plugin_calendar" for 0.0003 sec	 4.240 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.506	 0.001	executeActionHandler (index): call function "plugin_mainlink" for 0.0014 sec	 4.298 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.506	 0.000	General plugins execution is finished	 4.298 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.514	 0.008	Category menu created	 4.304 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.516	 0.002	executeActionHandler (index_post)	 4.335 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.517	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index_post): preloaded file "simple_title_pro/index.php" for 0.0001 sec	 4.340 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
1.517	 0.000	loadActionHandlers(index_post): preloaded file "ads_sape/ads_sape.php" for 0.0003 sec	 4.399 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
2.581	 1.064	executeActionHandler (index_post): call function "plugin_ads_pro" for 1.0642 sec	 4.436 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
2.582	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index_post): call function "plugin_multi_main" for 0 sec	 4.439 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
2.582	 0.000	executeActionHandler (index_post): call function "simple_title_pro" for 0 sec	 4.441 Mb / 5.723 Mb	
2.596	 0.014	executeActionHandler (index_post): call function "plugin_ads_sape" for 0.0141 sec	 4.444 Mb / 10.888 Mb	
2.596	 0.000	Templates generation time: 0.27550649642944 (176 times called)	 4.453 Mb / 10.888 Mb	
2.596	 0.000	Generate DEBUG output	 4.455 Mb / 10.888 Mb

#241 Re: Страницы плагинов » make_links :: Ссылки на главную в новостях » 2013-09-18 22:40:11

ROZARD, особо ничего не изменилось, как грузило главную страницу более 2 секунд так и грузит (при выключеном главная грузится 0,5-0,7 секунд)

#242 Re: Страницы плагинов » make_links :: Ссылки на главную в новостях » 2013-09-18 15:09:34

главная, категории, страница тегов, страничка /all/, странички поиска, календаря, вопшем все кроме странички с полной новостю где именно и работает плагин

#243 Re: Страницы плагинов » make_links :: Ссылки на главную в новостях » 2013-09-18 07:09:39

ROZARD, а можно сделать чтоб он не перебирал если я открываю главную страничку или другие не новостные? он же там не работает)...

#244 Re: Тестирование версий » NGCMS версии 0.9.3 + SVN -> 0.9.4 » 2013-09-05 01:52:31

infinity237 пишет:

2. Релиза нету, что там можно обсуждать? Единственная правильная вещь - появление bug tracker'a, но туда кроме 3 человек никто ничего не постит... Видимо так все ждут релиз, что даже запостить баги некогда...

не постят потому что никто баги и не справляет, Виталий очередной раз на все забил, смысл чтото даром постить воздух содрогать

#245 Re: Тестирование версий » NGCMS версии 0.9.3 + SVN -> 0.9.4 » 2013-09-01 00:30:58

в последних версиях невозможно отредактировать изображение(

#246 Re: Страницы плагинов » make_links :: Ссылки на главную в новостях » 2013-08-08 01:17:05

ROZARD, замечаю что плагин очень начинает притормаживать загрузку странички при большом количестве слов (у мене +-50 слов то уже генерация странички + 2 секунди)

#247 Re: Административные вопросы » А давайте попробуем собраться и выпустить релиз? » 2013-07-29 01:08:49

Klim, в последных версиях очень много чего не работает и еще больше чего ненужного, но к сожалению некому это исправить(

#248 Re: Административные вопросы » А давайте попробуем собраться и выпустить релиз? » 2013-07-28 15:16:22

Klim, теперь настройки копирования настраиваются в Планировщике задач

А давайте попробуем собраться и выпустить релиз?

вопрос, а нахрена вапше было создавать эту тему?

#250 Re: "А как сделать..." » На сайте режутся все нтмл комментарии » 2013-07-18 12:28:48

irbees2008, я не о комментариях под новостю, а о закомментированих срочках типа

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