Вы не зашли.
действительно что с 43-ма запросами что с 6-ма запросами визуально даже незаметно, примерно 0,35 секунд идет, это если на сайте особо нету посетителей.
При большом количестве людей 300-500 онлайн, сайт так или иначе, даже без xfields грузится долго
Попробуй отключить конкретно эту функцию (не знаю из какого она плагина), скорость работы сайта должна увеличиться в 2+ раз.
я тем более незнаю что это за функция)
Тормозить-то перестало?
ну а что с этого, я немогу без него сайт использовать(
я еще протестирую ночью, точно ли это от так грузит, так как мне сложно при посетителях тестить
но запросы делает он
у меня в xfields всего 4 поля, 1 фото и 3 Text
хм.... отключил xfields
SQL запитів: 5, Генерація сторінки: 0.35 сек
debug ]SQL queries:
[ 0.0013 ] select nc.*, ni.id as icon_id, ni.name as icon_name, ni.storage as icon_storage, ni.folder as icon_folder, ni.preview as icon_preview, ni.width as icon_width, ni.height as icon_height, ni.p_width as icon_pwidth, ni.p_height as icon_pheight from `2z_category` as nc left join `2z_images` ni on nc.image_id = ni.id order by nc.posorder asc
[ 9.9999999999996E-5 ] select * from 2z_users where authcookie = 'bc454329dda66ae274f9f8d5f85a460b' limit 1
[ 0.0108 ] SELECT * FROM 2z_news WHERE (`approve` = '1') AND (`mainpage` = '1') order by pinned desc, postdate desc limit 0,50
[ 0.0008 ] select `description` from 2z_cat_description where `catid`='0' and `is_on`='1' limit 1
[ 0.0409 ] SELECT count(*) as count FROM 2z_news WHERE (`approve` = '1') AND (`mainpage` = '1')
Time profiler:Time Delta Event Desc
0.001 0.000 Config file is loaded
0.015 0.014 Core files are included
0.024 0.008 Template engine is activated
0.028 0.004 DB connection established
0.029 0.002 DB category list is loaded
0.029 0.000 Ready to load auth plugins
0.032 0.003 loadActionHandlers(auth): preloaded file "auth_basic/auth_basic.php" for 0.002 sec
0.032 0.000 Auth plugins are loaded
0.032 0.000 Auth procedure is finished
0.032 0.000 ALL core-related plugins are loaded
0.032 0.000 exec EXEC_ACTS (core)
0.032 0.000 ALL core-related plugins are executed
0.033 0.001 * CORE.PHP is complete
0.033 0.000 exec EXEC_ACTS (index_pre)
0.034 0.001 loadActionHandlers(index_pre): preloaded file "multi_main/multi_main.php" for 0.0003 sec
0.034 0.000 Search route for URL "/"
0.037 0.003 loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "ads/ads.php" for 0.0005 sec
0.039 0.002 loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "tags/tags.php" for 0.0018 sec
0.042 0.003 loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "comments/comments.php" for 0.0029 sec
0.043 0.001 loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "cat_description/cat_description.php" for 0.0003 sec
0.044 0.002 loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "similar/similar.php" for 0.0014 sec
0.061 0.017 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.065 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.071 0.006 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.081 0.010 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.084 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.088 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.091 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.095 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.098 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.102 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.105 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.108 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.111 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.114 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.117 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.122 0.005 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.124 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.129 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.132 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.136 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.140 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.145 0.006 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.149 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.154 0.005 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.160 0.006 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.163 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.166 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.170 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.174 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.178 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.183 0.005 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.187 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.190 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.194 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.197 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.200 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.203 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.206 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.210 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.213 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.216 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.219 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.222 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.226 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.229 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.232 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.235 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.240 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.247 0.007 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.250 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.294 0.044 exec EXEC_ACTS (index)
0.295 0.001 loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "elka/elka.php" for 0.00059999999999999 sec
0.300 0.005 loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "football_stats/football_stats.php" for 0.0047 sec
0.303 0.003 loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "boxers/boxers.php" for 0.0025 sec
0.303 0.001 loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "favorites/favorites.php" for 0.00039999999999996 sec
0.304 0.001 loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "top_news/top_news.php" for 0.00069999999999998 sec
0.304 0.000 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "plugin_ads" [1 params] for 0.00030000000000002 sec
0.306 0.002 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "plugin_tags_cloudblock" [1 params] for 0.0016 sec
0.306 0.000 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "elka" [1 params] for 0.00030000000000002 sec
0.332 0.026 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "showTablesMain" [1 params] for 0.0257 sec
0.333 0.001 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "showRatings" [1 params] for 0.0012 sec
0.333 0.000 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "plugin_favorites" [1 params] for 0.00029999999999997 sec
0.339 0.005 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "top_news" [1 params] for 0.0052 sec
0.339 0.000 Master activity finished
0.342 0.003 Category menu created
0.343 0.001 exec EXEC_ACTS (usermenu)
0.344 0.001 exec EXEC_ACTS (index_post)
0.345 0.001 loadActionHandlers(index_post): preloaded file "simple_title_ng/simple_title.php" for 0.0005 sec
0.347 0.002 loadActionHandlers(index_post): preloaded file "ads_sape/ads_sape.php" for 0.002 sec
0.347 0.000 func EXEC_ACTS (index_post): call function "plugin_multi_main" [1 params] for 0 sec
0.347 0.000 func EXEC_ACTS (index_post): call function "simple_tags" [1 params] for 9.9999999999989E-5 sec
0.349 0.002 func EXEC_ACTS (index_post): call function "plugin_ads_sape" [1 params] for 0.0022 sec
0.349 0.000 Templates generation time: 0.069834232330322 (79 times called)
0.349 0.000 Generate DEBUG output
и как тепер без xfields, жопа
Wolverine, интеграцию что вкл что выкл особо погоди не далает всеравно 43 завпроса, да и отключить пока никак, дизайн весь идет спать...
from 2z_images where id in (101754) Это что? Откуда это? Что за кривой плагин? Нельзя делать 38 запросов вместо одного. Надо разбираться
хз что за плагин, у меня левил практически нету, разве что boxer, footballstat, оно єто не они.
Вот какие плагини у меня стоят
кстате в топнюз
Режим вызова
Вам необходимо выбрать какой из режимов отображения новостей будет эмулироваться
экспорт - экспорт данных в другие плагины (рекомендуется)
короткая - короткая новость
полная - полная новость
какой лучше ставить? у меня стоял экспорт, счас поставил короткая ниче не изменилось... что там что?
отключаю кеш и интеграцию
SQL запитів: 92, Генерація сторінки: 2.73 сек
включаю кеш, интеграцию отключена
SQL запитів: 43, Генерація сторінки: 0.39 сек
включаю каш и интеграцию
SQL запитів: 43, Генерація сторінки: 0.35 сек
вот с выключеним similar на главной
SQL запитів: 43, Генерація сторінки: 0.29 сек
debug ]SQL queries:
[ 0.0014 ] select nc.*, ni.id as icon_id, ni.name as icon_name, ni.storage as icon_storage, ni.folder as icon_folder, ni.preview as icon_preview, ni.width as icon_width, ni.height as icon_height, ni.p_width as icon_pwidth, ni.p_height as icon_pheight from `2z_category` as nc left join `2z_images` ni on nc.image_id = ni.id order by nc.posorder asc
[ 0.0001 ] select * from 2z_users where authcookie = 'bc454329dda66ae274f9f8d5f85a460b' limit 1
[ 0.0014 ] SELECT * FROM 2z_news WHERE (`approve` = '1') AND (`mainpage` = '1') order by pinned desc, postdate desc limit 0,50
[ 0 ] select `description` from 2z_cat_description where `catid`='0' and `is_on`='1' limit 1
[ 0.0001 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101900)
[ 9.9999999999996E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101878)
[ 0.0001 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101873)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101845)
[ 0.0001 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101837)
[ 0.0001 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101788)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101799)
[ 0 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101767)
[ 0.0001 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101751)
[ 0.0001 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101754)
[ 0.0001 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101743)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101685)
[ 0.0001 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101680)
[ 0 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101686)
[ 0.0001 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101679)
[ 0.0001 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101647)
[ 0.0001 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101681)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101605)
[ 0.0001 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101560)
[ 0 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101460)
[ 0.00010000000000002 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101442)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101443)
[ 0 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101260)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101258)
[ 0.00010000000000002 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101378)
[ 0 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101381)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101342)
[ 0 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101339)
[ 0 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101585)
[ 0 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101257)
[ 0.00010000000000002 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101259)
[ 0.00010000000000002 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101261)
[ 0 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101275)
[ 0.00010000000000002 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101276)
[ 0 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101573)
[ 0.00010000000000002 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101449)
[ 0.00010000000000002 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101274)
[ 0.00010000000000002 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101446)
[ 0.00010000000000002 ] SELECT count(*) as count FROM 2z_news WHERE (`approve` = '1') AND (`mainpage` = '1')
Time profiler:Time Delta Event Desc
0.001 0.000 Config file is loaded
0.015 0.014 Core files are included
0.024 0.008 Template engine is activated
0.028 0.004 DB connection established
0.029 0.002 DB category list is loaded
0.029 0.000 Ready to load auth plugins
0.032 0.003 loadActionHandlers(auth): preloaded file "auth_basic/auth_basic.php" for 0.002 sec
0.032 0.000 Auth plugins are loaded
0.032 0.000 Auth procedure is finished
0.032 0.000 ALL core-related plugins are loaded
0.032 0.000 exec EXEC_ACTS (core)
0.037 0.005 loadPluginLibrary: uprofile [lib] for 0.0003 sec
0.037 0.000 loadActionHandlers(core): preloaded file "xfields/xfields.php" for 0.0046 sec
0.037 0.000 ALL core-related plugins are executed
0.038 0.001 * CORE.PHP is complete
0.038 0.000 exec EXEC_ACTS (index_pre)
0.039 0.001 loadActionHandlers(index_pre): preloaded file "multi_main/multi_main.php" for 0.0003 sec
0.039 0.000 Search route for URL "/"
0.042 0.004 loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "ads/ads.php" for 0.0005 sec
0.044 0.002 loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "tags/tags.php" for 0.0018 sec
0.047 0.003 loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "comments/comments.php" for 0.003 sec
0.048 0.001 loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "cat_description/cat_description.php" for 0.0003 sec
0.053 0.005 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.057 0.005 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.063 0.006 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.067 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.070 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.074 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.077 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.080 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.083 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.087 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.090 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.094 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.097 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.100 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.103 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.108 0.005 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.111 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.115 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.118 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.122 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.126 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.132 0.006 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.136 0.005 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.140 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.146 0.006 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.149 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.152 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.156 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.160 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.164 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.168 0.005 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.172 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.175 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.178 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.181 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.185 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.188 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.191 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.194 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.197 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.200 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.203 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.206 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.208 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.211 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.215 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.218 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.222 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.228 0.007 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.231 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.234 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (index)
0.235 0.001 loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "elka/elka.php" for 0.0005 sec
0.236 0.001 loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "top_news/top_news.php" for 0.00070000000000001 sec
0.241 0.005 loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "football_stats/football_stats.php" for 0.0045 sec
0.243 0.003 loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "boxers/boxers.php" for 0.0024 sec
0.244 0.001 loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "favorites/favorites.php" for 0.00030000000000002 sec
0.244 0.000 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "plugin_ads" [1 params] for 0.00029999999999999 sec
0.245 0.002 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "plugin_tags_cloudblock" [1 params] for 0.0015 sec
0.246 0.000 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "elka" [1 params] for 0.00029999999999999 sec
0.251 0.005 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "top_news" [1 params] for 0.0052 sec
0.276 0.025 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "showTablesMain" [1 params] for 0.0254 sec
0.278 0.001 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "showRatings" [1 params] for 0.0011 sec
0.278 0.000 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "plugin_favorites" [1 params] for 0.00029999999999997 sec
0.278 0.000 Master activity finished
0.281 0.003 Category menu created
0.282 0.001 exec EXEC_ACTS (usermenu)
0.283 0.001 exec EXEC_ACTS (index_post)
0.284 0.001 loadActionHandlers(index_post): preloaded file "simple_title_ng/simple_title.php" for 0.00039999999999996 sec
0.286 0.002 loadActionHandlers(index_post): preloaded file "ads_sape/ads_sape.php" for 0.002 sec
0.286 0.000 func EXEC_ACTS (index_post): call function "plugin_multi_main" [1 params] for 0 sec
0.286 0.000 func EXEC_ACTS (index_post): call function "simple_tags" [1 params] for 0 sec
0.289 0.002 func EXEC_ACTS (index_post): call function "plugin_ads_sape" [1 params] for 0.0022 sec
0.289 0.000 Templates generation time: 0.06787371635437 (79 times called)
0.289 0.000 Generate DEBUG output
вот с включеним similar
[debug ]SQL queries:
[ 0.0015 ] select nc.*, ni.id as icon_id, ni.name as icon_name, ni.storage as icon_storage, ni.folder as icon_folder, ni.preview as icon_preview, ni.width as icon_width, ni.height as icon_height, ni.p_width as icon_pwidth, ni.p_height as icon_pheight from `2z_category` as nc left join `2z_images` ni on nc.image_id = ni.id order by nc.posorder asc
[ 0.00020000000000001 ] select * from 2z_users where authcookie = 'bc454329dda66ae274f9f8d5f85a460b' limit 1
[ 0.0015 ] SELECT * FROM 2z_news WHERE (`approve` = '1') AND (`mainpage` = '1') order by pinned desc, postdate desc limit 0,50
[ 0.00010000000000002 ] select `description` from 2z_cat_description where `catid`='0' and `is_on`='1' limit 1
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101900)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101878)
[ 0.00020000000000001 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101873)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101845)
[ 0.00010000000000002 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101837)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101788)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101799)
[ 0.00010000000000002 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101767)
[ 0.00010000000000002 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101751)
[ 0.00020000000000001 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101754)
[ 0.0055 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101743)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101685)
[ 0.00010000000000002 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101680)
[ 0.00020000000000001 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101686)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101679)
[ 0.00029999999999999 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101647)
[ 0.00019999999999998 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101681)
[ 0.00020000000000001 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101605)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101560)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101460)
[ 0.00010000000000004 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101442)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101443)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101260)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101258)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101378)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101381)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101342)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101339)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101585)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101257)
[ 0.00010000000000004 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101259)
[ 0.00010000000000004 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101261)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101275)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101276)
[ 0.00010000000000004 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101573)
[ 0.00019999999999998 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101449)
[ 0.00019999999999998 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101274)
[ 9.9999999999989E-5 ] select * from 2z_images where id in (101446)
[ 0 ] SELECT count(*) as count FROM 2z_news WHERE (`approve` = '1') AND (`mainpage` = '1')
Time profiler:Time Delta Event Desc
0.001 0.000 Config file is loaded
0.018 0.016 Core files are included
0.030 0.012 Template engine is activated
0.140 0.110 DB connection established
0.142 0.002 DB category list is loaded
0.142 0.000 Ready to load auth plugins
0.144 0.003 loadActionHandlers(auth): preloaded file "auth_basic/auth_basic.php" for 0.0021 sec
0.144 0.000 Auth plugins are loaded
0.145 0.000 Auth procedure is finished
0.145 0.000 ALL core-related plugins are loaded
0.145 0.000 exec EXEC_ACTS (core)
0.150 0.005 loadPluginLibrary: uprofile [lib] for 0.00030000000000002 sec
0.150 0.000 loadActionHandlers(core): preloaded file "xfields/xfields.php" for 0.0047 sec
0.150 0.000 ALL core-related plugins are executed
0.150 0.001 * CORE.PHP is complete
0.151 0.000 exec EXEC_ACTS (index_pre)
0.151 0.001 loadActionHandlers(index_pre): preloaded file "multi_main/multi_main.php" for 0.00030000000000002 sec
0.151 0.000 Search route for URL "/"
0.155 0.004 loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "ads/ads.php" for 0.0005 sec
0.157 0.002 loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "tags/tags.php" for 0.0019 sec
0.160 0.003 loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "comments/comments.php" for 0.0031 sec
0.161 0.001 loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "cat_description/cat_description.php" for 0.00040000000000001 sec
0.163 0.002 loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "similar/similar.php" for 0.0013 sec
0.168 0.005 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.172 0.005 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.179 0.007 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.184 0.005 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.190 0.006 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.197 0.007 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.200 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.204 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.207 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.212 0.005 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.215 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.224 0.009 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.228 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.231 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.235 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.240 0.006 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.244 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.249 0.005 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.253 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.257 0.005 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.262 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.268 0.006 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.273 0.005 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.278 0.005 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.284 0.006 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.287 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.290 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.294 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.299 0.005 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.303 0.005 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.309 0.005 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.313 0.005 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.316 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.320 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.323 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.327 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.331 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.334 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.337 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.340 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.344 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.347 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.350 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.353 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.356 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.360 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.363 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.367 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.374 0.007 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.378 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_short)
0.381 0.004 exec EXEC_ACTS (index)
0.382 0.001 loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "elka/elka.php" for 0.00059999999999999 sec
0.383 0.001 loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "top_news/top_news.php" for 0.00070000000000003 sec
0.388 0.005 loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "football_stats/football_stats.php" for 0.0046 sec
0.390 0.003 loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "boxers/boxers.php" for 0.0024 sec
0.391 0.001 loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "favorites/favorites.php" for 0.00030000000000002 sec
0.391 0.000 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "plugin_ads" [1 params] for 0.00029999999999997 sec
0.393 0.002 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "plugin_tags_cloudblock" [1 params] for 0.0018 sec
0.393 0.000 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "elka" [1 params] for 0.00030000000000002 sec
0.399 0.005 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "top_news" [1 params] for 0.0052 sec
0.862 0.463 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "showTablesMain" [1 params] for 0.4632 sec
0.866 0.004 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "showRatings" [1 params] for 0.004 sec
0.866 0.000 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "plugin_favorites" [1 params] for 0.00039999999999996 sec
0.866 0.000 Master activity finished
0.871 0.005 Category menu created
0.872 0.001 exec EXEC_ACTS (usermenu)
0.874 0.002 exec EXEC_ACTS (index_post)
0.876 0.002 loadActionHandlers(index_post): preloaded file "simple_title_ng/simple_title.php" for 0.0014 sec
0.879 0.003 loadActionHandlers(index_post): preloaded file "ads_sape/ads_sape.php" for 0.0024 sec
0.879 0.000 func EXEC_ACTS (index_post): call function "plugin_multi_main" [1 params] for 0 sec
0.879 0.000 func EXEC_ACTS (index_post): call function "simple_tags" [1 params] for 9.9999999999989E-5 sec
0.881 0.002 func EXEC_ACTS (index_post): call function "plugin_ads_sape" [1 params] for 0.0023 sec
0.882 0.000 Templates generation time: 0.072336196899414 (79 times called)
0.882 0.000 Generate DEBUG output
еще вот на новостних
[debug ]SQL queries:
[ 0.0013 ] select nc.*, ni.id as icon_id, ni.name as icon_name, ni.storage as icon_storage, ni.folder as icon_folder, ni.preview as icon_preview, ni.width as icon_width, ni.height as icon_height, ni.p_width as icon_pwidth, ni.p_height as icon_pheight from `2z_category` as nc left join `2z_images` ni on nc.image_id = ni.id order by nc.posorder asc
[ 0.0001 ] select * from 2z_users where authcookie = 'bc454329dda66ae274f9f8d5f85a460b' limit 1
[ 0.0004 ] select * from 2z_news where approve=1 and alt_name='dzhokovich-vipustiv-kalendar-na-2012-i-rik936'
[ 0.0001 ] select c.*, u.avatar as `users_avatar` from 2z_comments c left join 2z_users u on c.author_id = u.id where c.post='84206' order by c.id
[ 0.0004 ] select n.id, n.catid, n.alt_name, n.postdate, si.id as si_id, si.dimension as si_dimension, si.newsID as si_newsID, si.refNewsID as si_refNewsID, si.refNewsQuantaty as si_refNewsQuantaty, si.refNewsTitle as si_refNewsTitle, si.refNewsDate as si_refNewsDate from 2z_similar_index si left join 2z_news n on n.id = si.refNewsID where si.newsID = '84206' and (dimension = 0) order by si.refNewsQuantaty desc
[ 0.00030000000000001 ] update 2z_news set views=views+1 where id = '84206'
Time profiler:Time Delta Event Desc
0.001 0.000 Config file is loaded
0.015 0.014 Core files are included
0.023 0.008 Template engine is activated
0.028 0.004 DB connection established
0.029 0.002 DB category list is loaded
0.029 0.000 Ready to load auth plugins
0.032 0.003 loadActionHandlers(auth): preloaded file "auth_basic/auth_basic.php" for 0.0019 sec
0.032 0.000 Auth plugins are loaded
0.032 0.000 Auth procedure is finished
0.032 0.000 ALL core-related plugins are loaded
0.032 0.000 exec EXEC_ACTS (core)
0.037 0.005 loadPluginLibrary: uprofile [lib] for 0.0003 sec
0.037 0.000 loadActionHandlers(core): preloaded file "xfields/xfields.php" for 0.0046 sec
0.037 0.000 ALL core-related plugins are executed
0.038 0.001 * CORE.PHP is complete
0.038 0.000 exec EXEC_ACTS (index_pre)
0.038 0.001 loadActionHandlers(index_pre): preloaded file "multi_main/multi_main.php" for 0.00029999999999999 sec
0.038 0.000 Search route for URL "/tennis-novyny/dzhokovich-vipustiv-kalendar-na-2012-i-rik936.html"
0.042 0.004 loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "ads/ads.php" for 0.00049999999999999 sec
0.044 0.002 loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "tags/tags.php" for 0.0018 sec
0.047 0.003 loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "comments/comments.php" for 0.0029 sec
0.047 0.001 loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "cat_description/cat_description.php" for 0.00029999999999999 sec
0.049 0.002 loadActionHandlers(news): preloaded file "similar/similar.php" for 0.0013 sec
0.051 0.002 call showNewsPre() for [ 0 ] sec
0.051 0.000 call newsFillVariables() for [ 0.0017 ] sec
0.051 0.000 exec EXEC_ACTS (news_full)
0.051 0.000 func EXEC_ACTS (news_full): call function "plugin_multi_main_full" [3 params] for 9.9999999999996E-5 sec
0.051 0.000 exec showNews // xfields
0.052 0.001 exec showNews // ads
0.052 0.000 exec showNews // tags
0.053 0.000 exec showNews // comments
0.070 0.017 exec EXEC_ACTS (comments_form)
0.071 0.002 exec showNews // cat_description
0.071 0.000 exec showNews // similar
0.075 0.004 call showNews() for [ 0.0235 ] sec
0.078 0.003 exec EXEC_ACTS (index)
0.078 0.001 loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "elka/elka.php" for 0.0005 sec
0.079 0.001 loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "top_news/top_news.php" for 0.0008 sec
0.084 0.005 loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "football_stats/football_stats.php" for 0.0048 sec
0.087 0.003 loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "boxers/boxers.php" for 0.0025 sec
0.087 0.001 loadActionHandlers(index): preloaded file "favorites/favorites.php" for 0.00030000000000001 sec
0.088 0.000 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "plugin_ads" [1 params] for 0.00020000000000001 sec
0.089 0.002 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "plugin_tags_cloudblock" [1 params] for 0.0015 sec
0.090 0.000 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "elka" [1 params] for 0.00029999999999999 sec
0.096 0.006 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "top_news" [1 params] for 0.006 sec
0.121 0.025 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "showTablesMain" [1 params] for 0.0254 sec
0.122 0.001 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "showRatings" [1 params] for 0.0011 sec
0.122 0.000 func EXEC_ACTS (index): call function "plugin_favorites" [1 params] for 0.00029999999999999 sec
0.123 0.000 Master activity finished
0.126 0.003 Category menu created
0.127 0.001 exec EXEC_ACTS (usermenu)
0.128 0.001 exec EXEC_ACTS (index_post)
0.129 0.001 loadActionHandlers(index_post): preloaded file "simple_title_ng/simple_title.php" for 0.00039999999999998 sec
0.131 0.002 loadActionHandlers(index_post): preloaded file "ads_sape/ads_sape.php" for 0.002 sec
0.131 0.000 func EXEC_ACTS (index_post): call function "plugin_multi_main" [1 params] for 0 sec
0.131 0.000 func EXEC_ACTS (index_post): call function "simple_tags" [1 params] for 0 sec
0.133 0.002 func EXEC_ACTS (index_post): call function "plugin_ads_sape" [1 params] for 0.0022 sec
0.133 0.000 Templates generation time: 0.024185419082642 (56 times called)
0.133 0.000 Generate DEBUG output
правда счас посещалка малая и все снова работает в штатном режиме, я чтото уже сомневаюсь что виновен только similar, возможно действительно top_news делает запросов около 40, но проверить счас сложно, так как при отключении top_news, все дизайн сайта уходит спать(
В top_news - да включена интеграция с новостными плагинами, lastnews - у меня вапше его нет.
но интеграция мне нужна для работи xfields.
а логи какие с сервера или дебаг на сайте включить?
отключаю similar
и на главной SQL запитів: 43, Генерація сторінки: 0.54 сек
на новостних - SQL запитів: 6, Генерація сторінки: 0.34 сек
Wolverine, проблема исчезает если нет посетителей и отключить все, кроме базовых плагинов. Основную нагрузку как и писал раньше делает similar, както ее можно решить? он походу не кешируется...
ROZARD, нє, это на страничке новости
SQL запитів: 19, Генерація сторінки: 11.89 сек
вот такое примерно при 300 посетителях онлайн, вопшем проблема осталась...:(
Хочу сделать чтоб в админке били не пимпочки фото а маленкие превюшки, делать их не надо просто ту фотку что есть уменьшать и чтоб било вот так
подскажите, где что изменить?
Wolverine, не летает конешно, но 20-40% , вот та часть с 5 до 10 часов это без него.
Wolverine, ти б написал лучше как надо , чтоб в других если что работало правильно
вопшем методом тыка проводил иследование
1. тормозит именно этот сайт, так как при отключении напряг сервака тупо на 0 падает
2. при отключении всех плагинов сервер напрягается гдето на 10-20%?, а з самими базовыми работает примерно - 20-40%, впринципе возможно что при таком количестве категорий и новостей которие сразу в несколько такое наверное и возможно, хотя тут надо мнение спецов
3. самими напрягаючими плагина оказиваются simple_title_ng, top_news, similar, последний наибольше напрягает, при их включении сервак пляшет примерно 70-80%.
вот картинка, причем хочу заметить что сегодня не самая большая посещаловка била, я б даже сказал ее пракчически небило, примерно по 20-50 чело онлайн и 4 тис. в сутки, как правило посещалка сайта 200-300 онлайн и 15 тис. в сутки
Wolverine, если работает значит возможно , ты имееш ввиду что надо 1|3|5|10|16|39 ?
хотя у меня и с комами прекрасно отбирает
Wolverine, у меня работает
Надо сделать редирект с такой странички http://new-domain.ru/?oldpage.html на такую http://new-domain.ru/newpage.html
нашел решение в .htaccess дописать
Redirect 301 /oldpage.html http://new-domain.ru/newpage.html
но чето с когда старая ссылка с знаком/? то так неканает
может кто подскзать еще решения?
вопшем дождешся тут конешно ответа......
решыл сам, если кому надо вот решение
if (is_array($xcat)) {
$orderBy = ($xcat['orderby'] && in_array($xcat['orderby'], array('id desc', 'id asc', 'postdate desc', 'postdate asc', 'title desc', 'title asc')))?$xcat['orderby']:'id desc';
$query = "select * from ".prefix."_news where catid regexp '[[:<:]](".$xcat['id'].")[[:>:]]' and approve=1 order by ".$orderBy;
} else {
$query = "select * from ".prefix."_news where (approve=1) and catid in (1,3,5,10,16,39) order by postdate desc";
где 1,3,5,10,16,39 - id категории.
доступ давал, пока кроме того что тут написано никто ниче не сказал.
На счет плагина top_news, но он канешно немного напрягает но это капля в море,я пробовал его отключать но проблема остается
1. хрен его знает, я точно не удалял, было 13 тис, счас дейсвительно 2700, я правда недавно сервак перегружал, хотя походу это несвязано
2. блоки там разную инфу выводять, разное количестве, стартуют з разных дней, за разные период и т.д.
3. категорий около 100
я не удалял, если чесно немогу понять, кеш должен удалятся сам или нет? просто смотрю на одних сайтах у меня там кеш за 22 и 23 число максимум и файлов до тисячи максимум, а на других еще с августа есть даже файли и пару тисяч файлов
по блоках, то все блоки виводят разную инфу