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Страницы 1
Т.к. у двига нет морфологического поиска, предлагаю включить поиск по ключевым словами
Файл search.php
// Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Next Generation CMS (http://ngcms.ru/)
// Name: search.php
// Description: News search
// Author: Vitaly Ponomarev
// Protect against hack attempts
if (!defined('NGCMS')) die ('HAL');
$lang = LoadLang('search', 'site');
// Make search
include_once root.'includes/news.php';
function search_news(){
global $catz, $catmap, $mysql, $config, $userROW, $tpl, $parse, $template, $lang, $PFILTERS, $SYSTEM_FLAGS;
$SYSTEM_FLAGS['info']['title']['group'] = $lang['search.title'];
$filter = array();
if ($_REQUEST['author']) {
array_push($filter, array('DATA', 'author', '=', $_REQUEST['author']));
if ($_REQUEST['catid']) {
array_push($filter, array('DATA', 'category', '=', $_REQUEST['catid']));
if ($_REQUEST['postdate'] && preg_match('#^(\d{4})(\d{2})$#', $_REQUEST['postdate'], $dv)) {
if (($dv[1] >= 1970)&&($dv[1] <= 2100)&&($dv[2] >=1)&&($dv[2] <= 12)) {
array_push($filter, array('OR',
array('DATA', 'postdate', 'BETWEEN', array(mktime(0,0,0,$dv[2],1,$dv[1]), mktime(23,59,59,$dv[2],date("t",mktime(0,0,0,$dv[2],1,$dv[1])),$dv[1]))),
$search = array();
$search_words = array();
if ($_REQUEST['search']) {
$search_words = preg_split('#[ \,\.]+#', trim(str_replace(array('<', '>', '%', '$', '#'), '', substr($_REQUEST['search'], 0, 64))), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
foreach ($search_words as $s) {
array( 'OR',
array('DATA', 'title', 'like', '%'.mysql_real_escape_string($s).'%'),
array('DATA', 'content', 'like', '%'.mysql_real_escape_string($s).'%')
array('DATA', 'keywords', 'like', '%'.mysql_real_escape_string($s).'%')
if (count($search) > 1) { array_unshift($search, 'AND'); }
if (count($search) == 1) { $search = $search[0]; }
array_push($filter, $search);
if (count($filter) > 1) { array_unshift($filter, 'AND'); }
if (count($filter) == 1) { $filter = $filter[0]; }
//print "FILTER: <pre>".var_export($filter, true)."</pre>\n";
// Configure pagination
$paginationParams = array('pluginName' => 'search', 'xparams' => array('search' => $_REQUEST['search'], 'author' => $_REQUEST['author'], 'catid' => $_REQUEST['catid'], 'postdate' => $_REQUEST['postdate']), 'paginator' => array('page', 1, false));
// Configure display params
$callingParams = array('style' => 'short','searchFlag' => true, 'extendedReturn' => true, 'customCategoryTemplate' => true);
if ($_REQUEST['page']) {
$callingParams['page'] = intval($_REQUEST['page']);
// Call SEARCH only if search words are entered
if (count($search_words)) {
$found = news_showlist($filter, $paginationParams, $callingParams);
} else {
$found = array('count' => 0, 'data' => false);
// Now let's show SEARCH basic template
$tpl -> template('search.table', tpl_dir.$config['theme']);
$tvars = array();
$tvars['vars']['author'] = secure_html($_REQUEST['author']);
$tvars['vars']['search'] = secure_html($_REQUEST['search']);
$tvars['vars']['count'] = $found['count'];
$tvars['vars']['form_url'] = generateLink('search', '', array());
$tvars['regx']['#\[found\](.+?)\[/found\]#is'] = (isset($_REQUEST['search']) && count($search_words) && $found['count'])?'$1':'';
$tvars['regx']['#\[notfound\](.+?)\[/notfound\]#is'] = (isset($_REQUEST['search']) && count($search_words) && !$found['count'])?'$1':'';
$tvars['regx']['#\[error\](.+?)\[/error\]#is'] = (isset($_REQUEST['search']) && !count($search_words))?'$1':'';
// Make category list
$tvars['vars']['catlist'] = makeCategoryList( array ('name' => 'catid', 'selected' => $_REQUEST['catid'], 'doempty' => 1, 'class' => 'mw_search_f'));
// Results of search
$tvars['vars']['entries'] = $found['data'];
// Make month list
$mnth_list = explode(",", $lang['months']);
foreach ($mysql->select("SELECT month(from_unixtime(postdate)) as month, year(from_unixtime(postdate)) as year, COUNT(id) AS cnt FROM ".prefix."_news WHERE approve = '1' GROUP BY year(from_unixtime(postdate)), month(from_unixtime(postdate)) ORDER BY id DESC") as $row) {
$pd_value = sprintf("%04u%02u",$row['year'],$row['month']);
$pd_text = $mnth_list[$row['month']-1].' '.$row['year'];
$tvars['vars']['datelist'] .= "<option value=\"".$pd_value."\"".(($pd_value == $_REQUEST['postdate'])?' selected':'').">".$pd_text."</option>";
$tpl -> vars('search.table', $tvars);
$template['vars']['mainblock'] .= $tpl -> show('search.table');
Изменено easmik (2011-12-31 01:28:39)
Не в сети
Обработка языковых переменных и языковых блоков в контенте. Файл functions.inc.php
// Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Next Generation CMS (http://ngcms.ru/)
// Name: functions.php
// Description: Common system functions
// Author: Vitaly Ponomarev, Alexey Zinchenko
// Protect against hack attempts
if (!defined('NGCMS')) die ('HAL');
// SQL security string escape
function db_squote($string) {
if (is_array($string)) { return false; }
return "'".mysql_real_escape_string($string)."'";
function db_dquote($string) {
if (is_array($string)) { return false; }
return '"'.mysql_real_escape_string($string).'"';
// HTML & special symbols protection
function secure_html($string) {
if (is_array($string)) { return '[UNEXPECTED ARRAY]'; }
return str_replace(array("{","<", ">"), array("{","<", ">"), htmlspecialchars($string));
function Formatsize($file_size) {
if ($file_size >= 1073741824) {
$file_size = round($file_size / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . " Gb";
} elseif ($file_size >= 1048576) {
$file_size = round($file_size / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . " Mb";
} elseif ($file_size >= 1024) {
$file_size = round($file_size / 1024 * 100) / 100 . " Kb";
} else {
$file_size = $file_size . " b";
return $file_size;
function checkIP() {
if (getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")) {
return getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
} elseif ($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) {
return "unknown";
function gzip() {
global $config;
if ($config['use_gzip'] == "1" && extension_loaded('zlib') && function_exists('ob_gzhandler')) {
// Generate backup for table list. If no list is given - backup ALL tables with system prefix
function dbBackup($fname, $gzmode, $tlist = ''){
global $mysql;
if ($gzmode && (!function_exists('gzopen')))
$gzmode = 0;
if ($gzmode) $fh = gzopen($fname, "w");
else $fh = fopen($fname, "w");
if ($fh === false)
return 0;
// Generate a list of tables for backup
if (!is_array($tlist)) {
$tlist = array();
foreach ($mysql->select("show tables like '".prefix."_%'") as $tn)
$tlist [] = $tn[0];
// Now make a header
$out = "# ".str_repeat('=', 60)."\n# Backup file for `Next Generation CMS`\n# ".str_repeat('=', 60)."\n# DATE: ".gmdate("d-m-Y H:i:s", time())." GMT\n# VERSION: ".engineVersion."\n#\n";
$out .= "# List of tables for backup: ".join(", ", $tlist)."\n#\n";
// Write a header
if ($gzmode) gzwrite($fh, $out);
else fwrite($fh, $out);
// Now, let's scan tables
foreach ($tlist as $tname) {
// Fetch create syntax for table and after - write table's content
if (is_array($csql = $mysql->record("show create table `".$tname."`"))) {
$out = "\n#\n# Table `".$tname."`\n#\n";
$out .= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `".$tname."`;\n";
$out .= $csql[1].";\n";
if ($gzmode) gzwrite($fh, $out);
else fwrite($fh, $out);
// Now let's make content of the table
$query = mysql_query("select * from `".$tname."`", $mysql->connect);
$rowNo = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($query)) {
$out = "insert into `".$tname."` values (";
$colNo = 0;
foreach ($row as $v)
$out .= (($colNo++)?', ':'').db_squote($v);
$out .= ");\n";
if ($gzmode) gzwrite($fh, $out);
else fwrite($fh, $out);
$out = "# Total records: $rowNo\n";
if ($gzmode) gzwrite($fh, $out);
else fwrite($fh, $out);
} else {
$out = "#% Error fetching information for table `$tname`\n";
if ($gzmode) gzwrite($fh, $out);
else fwrite($fh, $out);
if ($gzmode) gzclose($fh);
else fclose($fh);
return 1;
function AutoBackup() {
global $config;
$backupFile = root."cache/last_backup.tmp";
$last_backup = @file_get_contents($backupFile);
$time_now = time();
if ($time_now > ($last_backup + $config['auto_backup_time'] * 3600)) {
// Try to open temp file for writing
$fx = is_file($backupFile)?@fopen($backupFile,"r+"):@fopen($backupFile,"w+");
if ($fx) {
$filename = root."backups/backup_".date("Y_m_d_H_i", $time_now).".gz";
// We need to create file with backup
dbBackup($filename, 1);
fwrite($fx, $time_now);
function LangDate($format, $timestamp) {
global $lang;
$weekdays = explode(",", $lang['weekdays']);
$short_weekdays = explode(",", $lang['short_weekdays']);
$months = explode(",", $lang['months']);
$months_s = explode(",", $lang['months_s']);
$short_months = explode(",", $lang['short_months']);
foreach ($weekdays as $name => $value)
$weekdays[$name] = preg_replace("/./", "\\\\\\0", $value);
foreach ($short_weekdays as $name => $value)
$short_weekdays[$name] = preg_replace("/./", "\\\\\\0", $value);
foreach ($months as $name => $value)
$months[$name] = preg_replace("/./", "\\\\\\0", $value);
foreach ($months_s as $name => $value)
$months_s[$name] = preg_replace("/./", "\\\\\\0", $value);
foreach ($short_months as $name => $value)
$short_months[$name] = preg_replace("/./", "\\\\\\0", $value);
$format = @preg_replace("/(?<!\\\\)D/", $short_weekdays[date("w", $timestamp)], $format);
$format = @preg_replace("/(?<!\\\\)F/", $months[date("n", $timestamp) - 1], $format);
$format = @preg_replace("/(?<!\\\\)Q/", $months_s[date("n", $timestamp) - 1], $format);
$format = @preg_replace("/(?<!\\\\)l/", $weekdays[date("w", $timestamp)], $format);
$format = @preg_replace("/(?<!\\\\)M/", $short_months[date("n", $timestamp) - 1], $format);
return @date($format, $timestamp);
// Generate a list of smilies to show
function InsertSmilies($insert_location, $break_location = false, $area = false) {
global $config, $tpl;
if ($config['use_smilies']) {
$smilies = explode(",", $config['smilies']);
// For smilies in comments, try to use 'smilies.tpl' from site template
$templateDir = (($insert_location == 'comments') && is_readable(tpl_dir.$config['theme'].'/smilies.tpl'))?tpl_dir.$config['theme']:tpl_actions;
$i = 0;
$output = '';
foreach ($smilies as $null => $smile) {
$smile = trim($smile);
$tvars['vars'] = array(
'area' => $area?$area:"''",
'smile' => $smile
$tpl -> template('smilies', $templateDir);
$tpl -> vars('smilies', $tvars);
$output .= $tpl -> show('smilies');
if (($break_location>0) && (! $i % $break_location)) {
$output .= "<br />";
} else {
$output .= " ";
return $output;
function phphighlight($content = '') {
$f = array('<br>', '<br />', '<p>', '<', '>', '&', '|', '"', '$', '\', ''',' ', '\"');
$r = array("\n", "\n", "\n", '<', '>', '&', '\|', '"', '$', '', '\'', '', '"');
$content = str_replace($f, $r, $content);
$content = highlight_string($content, true);
return $content;
function QuickTags($area = false, $template = false) {
global $config, $lang, $tpl, $PHP_SELF;
$tvars['vars'] = array(
'php_self' => $PHP_SELF,
'area' => $area?$area:"''"
if (!in_array($template, array('pmmes', 'editcom', 'news', 'static')))
return false;
$tplname = 'qt_'.$template;
$tpl->template($tplname, tpl_actions);
$tpl->vars($tplname, $tvars);
return $tpl->show($tplname);
function BBCodes($area = false) {
global $config, $lang, $tpl, $PHP_SELF;
if ($config['use_bbcodes'] == "1") {
$tvars['vars'] = array(
'php_self' => $PHP_SELF,
'area' => $area
$tpl -> template('bbcodes', tpl_site);
$tpl -> vars('bbcodes', $tvars);
return $tpl -> show('bbcodes');
function Padeg($n, $s) {
$n = abs($n);
$a = split(",", $s);
$l1 = $n - ((int)($n / 10)) * 10;
$l2 = $n - ((int)($n / 100)) * 100;
if ("11" <= $l2 && $l2 <= "14") {
$e = $a[2];
} else {
if ($l1 == "1") {
$e = $a[0];
if ("2" <= $l1 && $l1 <= "4") {
$e = $a[1];
if (("5" <= $l1 && $l1 <= "9") || $l1 == "0") {
if ($e == "") {
$e = $a[0];
// Perform BAN check
// $ip - IP address of user
// $act - action type ( 'users', 'comments', 'news',... )
// $subact - subaction type ( for comments this may be 'add' )
// $userRec - record of user (in case of logged in)
// $name - name entered by user (in case it was entered)
function checkBanned($ip, $act, $subact, $userRec, $name) {
global $mysql;
$check_ip = sprintf("%u", ip2long($ip));
// Currently we use limited mode. Try to find row
if ($ban_row = $mysql->record("select * from ".prefix."_ipban where addr_start <= ".db_squote($check_ip)." and addr_stop >= ".db_squote($check_ip)." order by netlen limit 1")) {
// Row is found. Let's check for event type. STATIC CONVERSION
$mode = 0;
if (($act == 'users') && ($subact == 'register')) { $mode = 1; }
else if (($act == 'users') && ($subact == 'auth')) { $mode = 2; }
else if (($act == 'comments') && ($subact == 'add')) { $mode = 3; }
if (($locktype = intval(substr($ban_row['flags'], $mode, 1))) > 0) {
$mysql->query("update ".prefix."_ipban set hitcount=hitcount+1 where id=".db_squote($ban_row['id']));
return $locktype;
return 0;
// Perform FLOOD check
// $mode - WORKING MODE ( 0 - check only, 1 - update )
// $ip - IP address of user
// $act - action type ( 'comments', 'news',... )
// $subact - subaction type ( for comments this may be 'add' )
// $userRec - record of user (in case of logged in)
// $name - name entered by user (in case it was entered)
function checkFlood($mode, $ip, $act, $subact, $userRec, $name){
global $mysql, $config;
// Return if flood protection is disabled
if (!$config['flood_time']) {
return 0;
$this_time = time() + ($config['date_adjust'] * 60) - $config['flood_time'];
// If UPDATE mode is used - update data
if ($mode) {
$this_time = time() + ($config['date_adjust'] * 60);
$mysql->query("insert into ".prefix."_flood (ip, id) values (".db_squote($ip).", ".db_squote($this_time).") on duplicate key update id=".db_squote($this_time));
return 0;
// Delete expired records
$mysql->query("DELETE FROM ".prefix."_flood WHERE id < ".db_squote($this_time));
// Check if we have record
if ($mysql->record("SELECT * FROM ".prefix."_flood WHERE id > ".db_squote($this_time)." AND ip = ".db_squote($ip)." limit 1")) {
// Flood found
return 1;
return 0;
function zzMail($to, $subject, $message, $filename = false, $mail_from = false, $ctype = 'text/html') {
sendEmailMessage($to, $subject, $message, $filename, $mail_from, $ctype);
function sendEmailMessage($to, $subject, $message, $filename = false, $mail_from = false, $ctype = 'text/html') {
global $lang, $config;
$mail_from = (!$mail_from) ? "mailbot@".str_replace("www.", "", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) : $mail_from;
$uniqid = md5(uniqid(time()));
$headers = 'From: '.$mail_from."\n";
$headers .= 'Reply-to: '.$mail_from."\n";
$headers .= 'Return-Path: '.$mail_from."\n";
$headers .= 'Message-ID: <'.$uniqid.'@'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].">\n";
$headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0'."\n";
$headers .= 'Date: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time())."\n";
$headers .= 'X-Priority: 3'."\n";
$headers .= 'X-MSMail-Priority: Normal'."\n";
$headers .= 'X-Mailer: '.engineName.' : '.engineVersion."\n";
$headers .= 'X-MimeOLE: '.engineName.' : '.engineVersion."\n";
$headers .= 'content-type: multipart/mixed;boundary="----------'.$uniqid.'"'."\n\n";
$headers .= '------------'.$uniqid."\n";
$headers .= 'content-type: '.$ctype.';charset='.$lang['encoding'].''."\n";
$headers .= 'content-transfer-Encoding: 8bit';
if (is_file($filename)){
$file = fopen($filename, 'rb');
$message .= "\n".'------------'.$uniqid."\n";
$message .= 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream;name="'.basename($filename).'"'."\n";
$message .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64'."\n";
$message .= 'Content-Disposition: attachment;';
$message .= 'filename="'.basename($filename).'"'."\n\n";
$message .= chunk_split(base64_encode(fread($file, filesize($filename))))."\n";
@mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
// Load variables from template
// $die - flag: generate die() in case when file is not found (else - return false)
// $loadMode - flag:
// 0 - use SITE template
// 1 - use ADMIN PANEL template
function templateLoadVariables($die = false, $loadMode = 0) {
global $TemplateCache;
if (isset($TemplateCache[$loadMode?'admin':'site']['#variables']))
return true;
$filename = ($loadMode?tpl_actions:tpl_site).'variables.ini';
if (!is_file($filename)) {
if ($die) {
die('Internal error: cannot locate Template Variables file');
return false;
$TemplateCache[$loadMode?'admin':'site']['#variables'] = parse_ini_file($filename, true);
//print "<pre>".var_export($TemplateCache, true)."</pre>";
return true;
// Generate info / error message
// $mode - working mode
// 0 - use SITE template
// 1 - use ADMIN PANEL template
// $disp - flag [display mode]:
// -1 - automatic mode
// 0 - add into mainblock
// 1 - print
// 2 - return as result
function msg($params, $mode = 0, $disp = -1) {
global $config, $tpl, $lang, $template, $PHP_SELF, $TemplateCache;
// Set AUTO mode if $disp == -1
if ($disp == -1)
$mode = ($PHP_SELF == 'admin.php')?1:0;
if (!templateLoadVariables(false, $mode)) {
die('Internal system error: '.var_export($params, true));
// Choose working mode
$type = 'msg.common';
switch ($params['type']) {
case 'error': $type = 'msg.error'.(isset($params['info'])?'_info':''); break;
case 'info': $type = 'msg.info'; break;
default: $type = 'msg.common'.(isset($params['info'])?'_info':''); break;
$tmvars = array( 'vars' => array(
'text' => isset($params['text'])?$params['text']:'',
'info' => isset($params['info'])?$params['info']:'',
$message = $tpl->vars($TemplateCache[$mode?'admin':'site']['#variables']['messages'][$type], $tmvars, array('inline' => true));
switch ($disp) {
case 0: $template['vars']['mainblock'] .= $message; break;
case 1: print $message; break;
case 2: return $message;
if ($PHP_SELF == 'admin.php') {
print $message;
} else {
$template['vars']['mainblock'] .= $message;
function DirSize($directory) {
if (!is_dir($directory)) return -1;
$size = 0;
if ($dir = opendir($directory)) {
while (($dirfile = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
if (is_link($directory . '/' . $dirfile) || $dirfile == '.' || $dirfile == '..') {
if (is_file($directory . '/' . $dirfile)) {
$size += filesize($directory . '/' . $dirfile);
} elseif (is_dir($directory . '/' . $dirfile)) {
$dirSize = dirsize($directory . '/' . $dirfile);
if ($dirSize >= 0) {
$size += $dirSize;
} else {
return -1;
return $size;
// Scans directory and returns it's size and file count
// Return array with size, count
function directoryWalk($dir, $blackmask = null, $whitemask = null) {
if (!is_dir($dir)) return array( -1, -1);
$size = 0;
$count = 0;
$flag = 0;
$path = array($dir);
$wpath = array();
$files = array();
$od = array();
$dfile = array();
$od[1] = opendir($dir);
while (count($path)) {
$level = count($path);
$sd = join("/", $path );
$wsd = join("/", $wpath);
while (($dfile[$level] = readdir($od[$level])) !== false) {
if (is_link($sd . '/' . $dfile[$level]) || $dfile[$level] == '.' || $dfile[$level] == '..')
if (is_file($sd . '/' . $dfile[$level])) {
// Check for black list
$size += filesize($sd . '/' . $dfile[$level]);
$files []= ($wsd?$wsd.'/':'').$dfile[$level];
$count ++;
} elseif (is_dir($sd . '/' . $dfile[$level])) {
array_push($path, $dfile[$level]);
array_push($wpath, $dfile[$level]);
$od[$level+1] = opendir(join("/", $path));
$flag = 1;
if ($flag) {
$flag = 0;
return array($size, $count, $files);
// makeCategoryList - make <SELECT> list of categories
// Params: set via named array
// * name - name field of <SELECT>
// * selected - ID of category to be selected or array of IDs to select (in list mode)
// * skip - ID of category to skip or array of IDs to skip
// * doempty - add empty category to the beginning ("no category"), value = 0
// * doall - all category named "ALL" to the beginning, value is empty
// * nameval - use DB field "name" instead of ID in HTML option value
// * resync - flag, if set - we make additional lookup into database for new category list
// * checkarea - flag, if set - generate a list of checkboxes instead of <SELECT>
// * class - HTML class name
// * style - HTML style
function makeCategoryList($params = array()){
global $catz, $lang, $mysql;
if (!isset($params['skip'])) { $params['skip'] = array(); }
if (!is_array($params['skip'])) { $params['skip'] = $params['skip']?array($params['skip']):array(); }
$name = array_key_exists('name', $params)?$params['name']:'category';
$out = '';
if (!isset($params['checkarea']) || !$params['checkarea']) {
$out = "<select name=\"$name\" id=\"catmenu\"".
((isset($params['style']) && ($params['style'] != ''))?' style="'.$params['style'].'"':'').
((isset($params['class']) && ($params['class'] != ''))?' class="'.$params['class'].'"':'').
if (isset($params['doempty']) && $params['doempty']) { $out.= "<option value=\"0\">".$lang['no_cat']."</option>\n"; }
if (isset($params['doall']) && $params['doall']) { $out.= "<option value=\"\">".$lang['sh_all']."</option>\n"; }
if (isset($params['resync']) && $params['resync']) {
$catz = array();
foreach ($mysql->select("select * from `".prefix."_category` order by posorder asc", 1) as $row) {
$catz[$row['alt']] = $row;
$catmap[$row['id']] = $row['alt'];
foreach($catz as $k => $v){
if (in_array($v['id'], $params['skip'])) { continue; }
if (isset($params['checkarea']) && $params['checkarea']) {
$out .= str_repeat('— ', $v['poslevel']).'<label><input type="checkbox" name="'.$name.'_'.$v['id'].'" value="1"'.((isset($params['selected']) && is_array($params['selected']) && in_array($v['id'], $params['selected']))?' checked="checked"':'').(($v['alt_url'] != '')?' disabled="disabled"':'').'/> '.$v['name']."</label><br/>\n";
} else {
$out.="<option value=\"".((isset($params['nameval']) && $params['nameval'])?$v['name']:$v['id'])."\"".((isset($params['selected']) && ($v['id']==$params['selected']))?' selected="selected"':'').($v['alt_url'] != ''?' disabled="disabled" style="background: #c41e3a;"':'').">".str_repeat('— ', $v['poslevel']).$v['name']."</option>\n";
if (!isset($params['checkarea']) || !$params['checkarea']) {
return $out;
function OrderList($value, $showDefault = false) {
global $lang, $catz;
$output = "<select name=\"orderby\">\n";
if ($showDefault)
$output .= '<option value="">'.$lang['order_default'];
foreach (array('id desc', 'id asc', 'postdate desc', 'postdate asc', 'title desc', 'title asc', 'rating desc', 'rating asc') as $v) {
$vx = str_replace(' ','_',$v);
$output.='<option value="'.$v.'"'.(($value==$v)?' selected="selected"':'').'>'.$lang["order_$vx"]."</option>\n";
return $output;
function ChangeDate($time = 0, $nodiv = 0) {
global $lang, $langShortMonths;
if ($time <= 0) { $time = time(); }
$result = $nodiv?'':'<div id="cdate">';
$result .= '<select name="c_day">';
for ($i=1; $i <= 31; $i++)
$result .= '<option value="'.$i.'"'.((date('j', $time)==$i)?' selected="selected"':'').'>'.$i.'</option>';
$result .= '</select><select id="c_month" name="c_month">';
foreach ($langShortMonths as $k => $v)
$result .= '<option value="'.($k+1).'"'.((date('n', $time)==($k+1))?' selected="selected"':'').'>'.$v.'</option>';
$result .= '</select>
<input type="text" id="c_year" name="c_year" size="4" maxlength="4" value="'.date('Y',$time).'" />
<input type="text" id="c_hour" name="c_hour" size="2" maxlength="2" value="'.date('H',$time).'" /> :
<input type="text" id="c_minute" name="c_minute" size="2" maxlength="2" value="'.date('i',$time).'" />';
if (!$nodiv) { $result .= '</div>'; }
return $result;
// Return a list of files
// $path - ïóòü ïî êîòîðîìó èñêàòü ôàéëû
// $ext - [scalar/array] ðàñøèðåíèå (îäíî èëè ìàññèâîì) ôàéëà
// $showExt - ôëàã: ïîêàçûâàòü ëè ðàñøèðåíèå [0 - íåò, 1 - ïîêàçûâàòü, 2 - èñïîëüçîâàòü â çíà÷åíèÿõ]
function ListFiles($path, $ext, $showExt = 0) {
$list = array();
if (!is_array($ext))
$ext = array($ext);
if (!$handle = opendir($path)) {
echo "<p>ListFiles() execution error: Can not open directory $path</p>";
while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
// Skip reserved words
if (($file == '.') || ($file == '..')) continue;
// Check file against all extensions
foreach ($ext as $e) {
if ($e == '') {
if (strpos($file, '.') === false) {
$list[$file] = $file;
} else {
if (preg_match('#^(.+?)\.'.$e.'$#', $file, $m)) {
$list[($showExt == 2)?$file:$m[1]] = $showExt?$file:$m[1];
return $list;
function ListDirs($folder, $category = false, $alllink = true) {
global $lang;
switch ($folder) {
case 'files':
$wdir = files_dir;
case 'images':
$wdir = images_dir;
return fase;
$select = '<select name="category">'.($alllink?'<option value="">- '.$lang['all'] .' -</option>':'');
if (($dir = @opendir($wdir)) === FALSE) {
'type' => 'error',
'text' => str_replace('{dirname}', $wdir, $lang['error.nodir']),
'info' => str_replace('{dirname}', $wdir, $lang['error.nodir#desc'])),
return false;
$filelist = array();
while($file = readdir($dir)) {
$filelist[] = $file;
foreach ($filelist as $file) {
if (is_dir($wdir."/".$file) && $file != "." && $file != "..")
$select .= "<option value=\"".$file."\"".($category==$file?' selected="selected"':'').">".$file."</option>\n";
$select .= '</select>';
return $select;
function MakeDropDown($options, $name, $selected = "FALSE") {
$output = "<select size=1 name=\"".$name."\">";
foreach ($options as $k=>$v)
$output .= "<option value=\"".$k."\"".(($selected==$k)?" selected=\"selected\"":'').">".$v."</option>";
$output .= "</select>";
return $output;
function LoadLang($what, $where = '', $area = '') {
global $config, $lang;
$where = ($where) ? '/'.$where : '';
if (!file_exists($toinc = root.'lang/'.$config['default_lang'].$where.'/'.$what.'.ini')) {
$toinc = root.'lang/english/'.$where.'/'.$what.'.ini';
if (file_exists($toinc)) {
$content = parse_ini_file($toinc, true);
if (!is_array($lang)) { $lang = array(); }
if ($area) {
$lang[$area] = $content;
} else {
$lang = array_merge($lang, $content);
return $lang;
// Return plugin dir
function GetPluginDir($name) {
$extras = get_extras_list();
if (!$extras[$name]) { return 0; }
return extras_dir.'/'.$extras[$name]['dir'];
function GetPluginLangDir($name) {
global $config;
$lang_dir = GetPluginDir($name).'/lang';
if (!$lang_dir) { return 0; }
if (is_dir($lang_dir.'/'.$config['default_lang'])) { $lang_dir = $lang_dir.'/'.$config['default_lang']; }
else if (is_dir($lang_dir.'/english')) { $lang_dir = $lang_dir.'/english'; }
else if (is_dir($lang_dir.'/russian')) { $lang_dir = $lang_dir.'/russian'; }
return $lang_dir;
// Load LANG file for plugin
function LoadPluginLang($plugin, $file, $group = '', $prefix = '', $delimiter = '_') {
global $config, $lang, $EXTRA_CONFIG;
if (!$prefix) { $prefix = $plugin; }
// If requested plugin is activated, we can get 'dir' information from active array
$active = getPluginsActiveList();
if (!$active['active'][$plugin]) {
// No, plugin is not active. Let's load plugin list
$extras = get_extras_list();
// Exit if no data about this plugin is found
if (!$extras[$plugin]) { return 0; }
$lang_dir = extras_dir.'/'.$extras[$plugin]['dir'].'/lang';
} else {
$lang_dir = extras_dir.'/'.$active['active'][$plugin].'/lang';
// Exit if no lang dir
if (!is_dir($lang_dir)) { return 0; }
// find if we have 'lang' dir in plugin directory
// Try to load langs in order: default / english / russian
$lfn = ($group?$group.'/':'').$file.'.ini';
// * Default language
if (is_dir($lang_dir.'/'.$config['default_lang']) && is_file($lang_dir.'/'.$config['default_lang'].'/'.$lfn)) {
$lang_dir = $lang_dir.'/'.$config['default_lang'];
} else if (is_dir($lang_dir.'/english') && is_file($lang_dir.'/english/'.$lfn)) {
//print "<b>LANG></b> No default lang file for `$plugin` (name: `$file`), using ENGLISH</br>\n";
$lang_dir = $lang_dir.'/english';
} else if (is_dir($lang_dir.'/russian') && is_file($lang_dir.'/russian/'.$lfn)) {
//print "<b>LANG></b> No default lang file for `$plugin` (name: `$file`), using RUSSIAN</br>\n";
$lang_dir = $lang_dir.'/russian';
} else {
//print "<b>LANG></b> No default lang file for `$plugin` (name: `$file`), using <b><u>NOthING</u></b></br>\n";
return 0;
// load file
$plugin_lang = parse_ini_file($lang_dir.'/'.$lfn);
// merge values
if (is_array($plugin_lang)) {
// Delimiter = '#' - special delimiter, make a separate array
if ($delimiter == '#') {
$lang[$prefix] = $plugin_lang;
} else if (($delimiter == '')&&($prefix == '')) {
$lang = $lang + $plugin_lang;
} else {
foreach ($plugin_lang as $p => $v) {
$lang[$prefix.$delimiter.$p] = $v;
return 1;
function GetAllCategories($cats) {
global $catz;
foreach ($cats as $k => $v) {
foreach ($catz as $row) {
if ($v == $row['id']) {
$catline .= ", ".$row['name'];
return preg_replace('[^([, ]+)]', '', $catline);
function MakeRandomPassword() {
global $config;
return substr(md5($config['crypto_salt'].uniqid(rand(),1)),0,10);
function EncodePassword($pass) {
$pass = md5(md5($pass));
return $pass;
function generateAdminNavigations($current, $start, $stop, $link, $navigations){
$result = '';
//print "call generateAdminNavigations(current=".$current.", start=".$start.", stop=".$stop.")<br>\n";
//print "Navigations: <pre>"; var_dump($navigations); print "</pre>";
for ($j=$start; $j<=$stop; $j++) {
if ($j == $current) {
$result .= str_replace('%page%',$j,$navigations['current_page']);
} else {
$row['page'] = $j;
$result .= str_replace('%page%',$j,str_replace('%link%',str_replace('%page%', $j, $link), $navigations['link_page']));
return $result;
// Generate page list for admin panel
// * current - number of current page
// * count - total count of pages
// * url - URL of page, %page% will be replaced by page number
// * maxNavigations - max number of navigation links
function generateAdminPagelist($param){
global $tpl, $TemplateCache;
if ($param['count'] < 2) return '';
templateLoadVariables(true, 1);
$nav = $TemplateCache['admin']['#variables']['navigation'];
$tpl -> template('pages', tpl_actions);
// Prev page link
if ($param['current'] > 1) {
$prev = $param['current'] - 1;
$tvars['regx']["'\[prev-link\](.*?)\[/prev-link\]'si"] = str_replace('%page%',"$1",str_replace('%link%',str_replace('%page%', $prev, $param['url']), $nav['prevlink']));
} else {
$tvars['regx']["'\[prev-link\](.*?)\[/prev-link\]'si"] = "";
$no_prev = true;
// ===[ TO PUT INTO CONFIG ]===
$pages = '';
if (isset($param['maxNavigations']) && ($param['maxNavigations'] > 3) && ($param['maxNavigations'] < 500)) {
$maxNavigations = intval($param['maxNavigations']);
} else {
$maxNavigations = 10;
$sectionSize = floor($maxNavigations / 3);
if ($param['count'] > $maxNavigations) {
// We have more than 10 pages. Let's generate 3 parts
// Situation #1: 1,2,3,4,[5],6 ... 128
if ($param['current'] < ($sectionSize * 2)) {
$pages .= generateAdminNavigations($param['current'], 1, $sectionSize * 2, $param['url'], $nav);
$pages .= " ... ";
$pages .= generateAdminNavigations($param['current'], $param['count']-$sectionSize, $param['count'], $param['url'], $nav);
} elseif ($param['current'] > ($param['count'] - $sectionSize * 2 + 1)) {
$pages .= generateAdminNavigations($param['current'], 1, $sectionSize, $param['url'], $nav);
$pages .= " ... ";
$pages .= generateAdminNavigations($param['current'], $param['count']-$sectionSize*2 + 1, $param['count'], $param['url'], $nav);
} else {
$pages .= generateAdminNavigations($param['current'], 1, $sectionSize, $param['url'], $nav);
$pages .= " ... ";
$pages .= generateAdminNavigations($param['current'], $param['current']-1, $param['current']+1, $param['url'], $nav);
$pages .= " ... ";
$pages .= generateAdminNavigations($param['current'], $param['count']-$sectionSize, $param['count'], $param['url'], $nav);
} else {
// If we have less then 10 pages
$pages .= generateAdminNavigations($param['current'], 1, $param['count'], $param['url'], $nav);
$tvars['vars']['pages'] = $pages;
if ($prev + 2 <= $param['count']) {
$next = $prev + 2;
$tvars['regx']["'\[next-link\](.*?)\[/next-link\]'si"] = str_replace('%page%',"$1",str_replace('%link%',str_replace('%page%', $next, $param['url']), $nav['nextlink']));
} else {
$tvars['regx']["'\[next-link\](.*?)\[/next-link\]'si"] = "";
$no_next = true;
$tpl -> vars('pages', $tvars);
return $tpl -> show('pages');
$letters = array('%A8' => '%D0%81', '%B8' => '%D1%91', '%C0' => '%D0%90', '%C1' => '%D0%91', '%C2' => '%D0%92', '%C3' => '%D0%93', '%C4' => '%D0%94', '%C5' => '%D0%95', '%C6' => '%D0%96', '%C7' => '%D0%97', '%C8' => '%D0%98', '%C9' => '%D0%99', '%CA' => '%D0%9A', '%CB' => '%D0%9B', '%CC' => '%D0%9C', '%CD' => '%D0%9D', '%CE' => '%D0%9E', '%CF' => '%D0%9F', '%D0' => '%D0%A0', '%D1' => '%D0%A1', '%D2' => '%D0%A2', '%D3' => '%D0%A3', '%D4' => '%D0%A4', '%D5' => '%D0%A5', '%D6' => '%D0%A6', '%D7' => '%D0%A7', '%D8' => '%D0%A8', '%D9' => '%D0%A9', '%DA' => '%D0%AA', '%DB' => '%D0%AB', '%DC' => '%D0%AC', '%DD' => '%D0%AD', '%DE' => '%D0%AE', '%DF' => '%D0%AF', '%E0' => '%D0%B0', '%E1' => '%D0%B1', '%E2' => '%D0%B2', '%E3' => '%D0%B3', '%E4' => '%D0%B4', '%E5' => '%D0%B5', '%E6' => '%D0%B6', '%E7' => '%D0%B7', '%E8' => '%D0%B8', '%E9' => '%D0%B9', '%EA' => '%D0%BA', '%EB' => '%D0%BB', '%EC' => '%D0%BC', '%ED' => '%D0%BD', '%EE' => '%D0%BE', '%EF' => '%D0%BF', '%F0' => '%D1%80', '%F1' => '%D1%81', '%F2' => '%D1%82', '%F3' => '%D1%83', '%F4' => '%D1%84', '%F5' => '%D1%85', '%F6' => '%D1%86', '%F7' => '%D1%87', '%F8' => '%D1%88', '%F9' => '%D1%89', '%FA' => '%D1%8A', '%FB' => '%D1%8B', '%FC' => '%D1%8C', '%FD' => '%D1%8D', '%FE' => '%D1%8E', '%FF' => '%D1%8F');
//$chars = array('%C2%A7' => '§', '%C2%A9' => '©', '%C2%AB' => '«', '%C2%AE' => '®', '%C2%B0' => '°', '%C2%B1' => '±', '%C2%BB' => '»', '%E2%80%93' => '–', '%E2%80%94' => '—', '%E2%80%9C' => '“', '%E2%80%9D' => '”', '%E2%80%9E' => '„', '%E2%80%A6' => '…', '%E2%84%96' => '№', '%E2%84%A2' => '™', '%C2%A4' => '¤', '%C2%B6' => '¶', '%C2%B7' => '·', '%E2%80%98' => '‘', '%E2%80%99' => '’', '%E2%80%A2' => '•');
$chars = array('%D0%86' => '[CYR_I]', '%D1%96' => '[CYR_i]', '%D0%84' => '[CYR_E]', '%D1%94' => '[CYR_e]', '%D0%87' => '[CYR_II]', '%D1%97' => '[CYR_ii]', '%C2%A7' => chr(167), '%C2%A9' => chr(169), '%C2%AB' => chr(171), '%C2%AE' => chr(174), '%C2%B0' => chr(176), '%C2%B1' => chr(177), '%C2%BB' => chr(187), '%E2%80%93' => chr(150), '%E2%80%94' => chr(151), '%E2%80%9C' => chr(147), '%E2%80%9D' => chr(148), '%E2%80%9E' => chr(132), '%E2%80%A6' => chr(133), '%E2%84%96' => '№', '%E2%84%A2' => chr(153), '%C2%A4' => '¤', '%C2%B6' => '¶', '%C2%B7' => '·', '%E2%80%98' => chr(145), '%E2%80%99' => chr(146), '%E2%80%A2' => chr(149));
$byary = array_flip($letters);
function convert($content) {
global $byary, $chars;
$content = strtr(urlencode($content), $byary);
$content = strtr($content, $chars);
$content = urldecode($content);
return $content;
function utf2utf8($text) { return convert($text); }
function GetCategories($catid, $plain = false) {
global $catz, $catmap;
$catline = array();
$cats = is_array($catid)?$catid:explode(",", $catid);
foreach ($cats as $v) {
if (isset($catmap[$v])) {
$row = $catz[$catmap[$v]];
$catline[] = ($plain) ? $row['name'] : "<a href=\"".generateLink('news', 'by.category', array('category' => $row['alt'], 'catid' => $row['id']))."\">".$row['name']."</a>";
return ($catline ? implode(", ", $catline) : '');
// New category menu generator
function generateCategoryMenu(){
global $mysql, $catz, $tpl, $config, $CurrentHandler, $SYSTEM_FLAGS, $TemplateCache, $twig, $twigLoader;
// Load template variables
$markers = $TemplateCache['site']['#variables']['category_tree'];
if (!isset($markers['class.active']))
$markers['class.active'] = 'active_cat';
if (!isset($markers['class.inactive']))
$markers['class.inactive'] = '';
if (!isset($markers['mark.default']))
$markers['mark.default'] = '—';
$result = '';
// Deremine working mode - old or new
// If template 'news.categories' exists - use `new way`, else - old
if (file_exists(tpl_site.'news.categories.tpl')) {
$tVars = array();
$tEntries = array();
foreach($catz as $k => $v){
if (!substr($v['flags'],0,1)) continue;
$tEntry = array(
'id' => $v['id'],
'cat' => $v['name'],
'link' => ($v['alt_url'] == '')?generateLink('news', 'by.category', array('category' => $v['alt'], 'catid' => $v['id'])):$v['alt_url'],
'mark' => isset($markers['mark.level.'.$v['poslevel']])?$markers['mark.level.'.$v['poslevel']]:str_repeat($markers['mark.default'], $v['poslevel']),
'level' => $v['poslevel'],
'cat' => $v['name'],
'counter' => $v['posts'],
'icon' => $v['icon'],
'flags' => array(
'active' => (isset($SYSTEM_FLAGS['news']['currentCategory.id']) && ($v['id'] == $SYSTEM_FLAGS['news']['currentCategory.id']))?true:false,
'counter' => ($config['category_counters'] && $v['posts'])?true:false,
$tEntries []= $tEntry;
// Update `hasChildren` and `closeLevel_X` flags for items
for ($i = 0; $i < count($tEntries); $i++) {
$tEntries[$i]['flags']['hasChildren'] = true;
if (($i == (count($tEntris)-1)) || ($tEntries[$i]['level'] >= $tEntries[$i+1]['level'])) {
// Mark that this is last item in this level
$tEntries[$i]['flags']['hasChildren'] = false;
// Mark all levels that are closed after this item
if ($i == (count($tEntries)-1)) {
//if ($i == 26) {
for ($x = 0; $x <= $tEntries[$i]['level']; $x++) {
$tEntries[$i]['flags']['closeLevel_'.$x] = true;
} else {
for ($x = $tEntries[$i+1]['level']; $x <= $tEntries[$i]['level']; $x++) {
$tEntries[$i]['flags']['closeLevel_'.$x] = true;
$tEntries[$i]['flags']['closeToLevel'] = intval($tEntries[$i+1]['level']);
// Prepare conversion maps
$conversionConfig = array(
'[entries]' => '{% for entry in entries %}',
'[/entries]' => '{% endfor %}',
'[flags.active]' => '{% if (entry.flags.active) %}',
'[/flags.active]' => '{% endif %}',
'[!flags.active]' => '{% if (not entry.flags.active) %}',
'[/!flags.active]' => '{% endif %}',
'[flags.counter]' => '{% if (entry.flags.counter) %}',
'[/flags.counter]' => '{% endif %}',
$tVars['entries'] = $tEntries;
$twigLoader->setConversion('news.categories.tpl', $conversionConfig);
$xt = $twig->loadTemplate('news.categories.tpl');
return $xt->render($tVars);
$tpl -> template('categories', tpl_site);
foreach($catz as $k => $v){
if (!substr($v['flags'],0,1)) continue;
$tvars['vars'] = array(
'if_active' => (isset($SYSTEM_FLAGS['news']['currentCategory.id']) && ($v['id'] == $SYSTEM_FLAGS['news']['currentCategory.id']))?$markers['class.active']:$markers['class.inactive'],
'link' => ($v['alt_url'] == '')?generateLink('news', 'by.category', array('category' => $v['alt'], 'catid' => $v['id'])):$v['alt_url'],
'mark' => isset($markers['mark.level.'.$v['poslevel']])?$markers['mark.level.'.$v['poslevel']]:str_repeat($markers['mark.default'], $v['poslevel']),
'level' => $v['poslevel'],
'cat' => $v['name'],
'counter' => ($config['category_counters'] && $v['posts'])?('['.$v['posts'].']'):'',
'icon' => $v['icon'],
$tvars['regx']['[\[icon\](.*)\[/icon\]]'] = trim($v['icon'])?'$1':'';
switch (intval(substr($v['flags'],1,1))) {
case 0: $rmode = true; break;
case 1: $rmode = ($v['posts'])?true:false; break;
case 2: $rmode = false; break;
$tvars['regx']['#\[if_link\](.+?)\[/if_link\]#is'] = $rmode?'$1':'';
$tpl -> vars('categories', $tvars);
$result .= $tpl -> show('categories');
return $result;
// make an array for filtering from text line like 'abc-def,dfg'
function generateCategoryArray($categories){
global $catz;
$carray = array();
foreach(explode(",", $categories) as $v){
$xa = array();
foreach(explode("-", $v) as $n) {
if (is_array($catz[trim($n)]))
array_push($xa, $catz[trim($n)]['id']);
if (count($xa))
array_push($carray, $xa);
return $carray;
// make a SQL filter for specified array
function generateCategoryFilter(){
// Generate link to news
function newsGenerateLink($row, $flagPrint = false, $page = 0, $absoluteLink = false) {
global $catmap;
// Prepare category listing
$clist = 'none';
$ilist = 0;
if ($row['catid']) {
$ccats = array();
$icats = array();
foreach (explode(',', $row['catid']) as $ccatid) {
if ($catmap[$ccatid] != '') {
$ccats[] = $catmap[$ccatid];
$icats[] = $ccatid;
$clist = implode("-", $ccats);
$ilist = implode("-", $icats);
// Get full news link
$params = array('category' => $clist, 'catid' => $ilist, 'altname' => $row['alt_name'], 'id' => $row['id'], 'year' => date('Y',$row['postdate']), 'month' => date('m', $row['postdate']), 'day' => date('d', $row['postdate']));
if ($page)
$params['page'] = $page;
return generateLink('news', $flagPrint?'print':'news', $params, array(), false, $absoluteLink);
// Fill variables for news:
// * $row - SQL row
// * $fullMode - flag if desired mode is full
// * $page - page No to show in full mode
// * $disablePagination - flag if pagination should be disabled
// * $regenShortNews - array, describe what to do with `short news`
// mode:
// '' - no modifications
// 'auto' - generate short news from long news in case if short news is empty
// 'force' - generate short news from long news in any case
// len - size in chars for part of long news to use
// finisher - chars that will be added into the end to indicate that this is truncated line ( default = '...' )
//function Prepare($row, $page) {
function newsFillVariables($row, $fullMode, $page = 0, $disablePagination = 0, $regenShortNews = array()) {
global $config, $parse, $lang, $catz, $catmap, $CurrentHandler, $TemplateCache, $mysql, $PHP_SELF;
$tvars = array ( 'vars' => array( 'pagination' => '', 'title' => $row['title']));
$alink = checkLinkAvailable('uprofile', 'show')?
generateLink('uprofile', 'show', array('name' => $row['author'], 'id' => $row['author_id'])):
generateLink('core', 'plugin', array('plugin' => 'uprofile', 'handler' => 'show'), array('name' => $row['author'], 'id' => $row['author_id']));
$tvars['vars']['author'] = "<a href=\"".$alink."\" target=\"_blank\">".$row['author']."</a>";
$tvars['vars']['author_link'] = $alink;
$tvars['vars']['author_name'] = $row['author'];
$nlink = newsGenerateLink($row);
// Divide into short and full content
if ($config['extended_more']) {
if (preg_match('#^(.*?)\<\!--more(?:\="(.+?)"){0,1}--\>(.+)$#is', $row['content'], $pres)) {
$short = $pres[1];
$full = $pres[3];
$more = $pres[2];
} else {
$short = $row['content'];
$full = '';
$more = '';
} else {
list ($short, $full) = explode('<!--more-->', $row['content'], 2);
$more = '';
// Check if long part is divided into several pages
if ($full && (!$disablePagination) && (strpos($full, "<!--nextpage-->") !== false)) {
$page = intval( isset($CurrentHandler['params']['page'])?$CurrentHandler['params']['page']:(isset($_REQUEST['page'])?$_REQUEST['page']:0) );
if ($page < 1) $page = 1;
$pagination = '';
$pages = explode("<!--nextpage-->", $full);
if (($pcnt = count($pages)) > 1) {
// Prepare VARS for pagination
$catid = intval(array_shift(explode(',', $row['catid'])));
$cname = 'none';
if ($catid && isset($catmap[$catid]))
$cname = $catmap[$catid];
// Generate pagination within news
$paginationParams = checkLinkAvailable('news', 'news')?
array('pluginName' => 'news', 'pluginHandler' => 'news', 'params' => array('category' => $cname, 'catid' => $catid, 'altname' => $row['alt_name'], 'id' => $row['id']), 'xparams' => array(), 'paginator' => array('page', 0, false)):
array('pluginName' => 'core', 'pluginHandler' => 'plugin', 'params' => array('plugin' => 'news', 'handler' => 'news'), 'xparams' => array('category' => $cname, 'catid' => $catid, 'altname' => $row['alt_name'], 'id' => $row['id']), 'paginator' => array('page', 1, false));
$navigations = $TemplateCache['site']['#variables']['navigation'];
// Show pagination bar
$tvars['vars']['pagination'] = generatePagination($page, 1, $pcnt, 10, $paginationParams, $navigations);
if ($page > 1) {
$tvars['vars']['short-story'] = '';
$full = $pages[$page-1];
$tvars['vars']['[pagination]'] = '';
$tvars['vars']['[/pagination]'] = '';
} else {
$tvars['regx']["'\[pagination\].*?\[/pagination\]'si"] = '';
// Conditional blocks for full-page
if ($full) {
$tvars['regx']['#\[page-first\](.*?)\[\/page-first\]#si'] = ($page < 2 )?'$1':'';
$tvars['regx']['#\[page-next\](.*?)\[\/page-next\]#si'] = ($page > 1 )?'$1':'';
// Delete "<!--nextpage-->" if pagination is disabled
if ($disablePagination)
$full = str_replace("<!--nextpage-->", "\n", $full);
// If HTML code is not permitted - LOCK it
$title = $row['title'];
if (!($row['flags'] & 2)) {
$short = str_replace('<', '<', $short);
$full = str_replace('<', '<', $full);
$title = secure_html($title);
$tvars['vars']['title'] = $title;
// Make conversion
if ($config['blocks_for_reg']) { $short = $parse -> userblocks($short); $full = $parse -> userblocks($full); }
if (preg_match_all('/(?<=\{)l_(.*?)(?=\})/i', $short, $larr)) {
// Show language variables
foreach ($larr[0] as $k => $v) {
$name_larr = substr($v, 2);
if (preg_match_all('/(?<=\{)l_(.*?)(?=\})/i', $data, $larr)) {
// Show language variables
foreach ($larr[0] as $k => $v) {
$name_larr = substr($v, 2);
$data = str_replace('{'.$v.'}', isset($lang[$name_larr])?$lang[$name_larr]:'[LANG_LOST:'.$name_larr.']', $data);
} $short = str_replace('{'.$v.'}', isset($lang[$name_larr])?$lang[$name_larr]:'[LANG_LOST:'.$name_larr.']', $short);
if (preg_match_all('/(?<=\{)l_(.*?)(?=\})/i', $full, $larr)) {
// Show language variables
foreach ($larr[0] as $k => $v) {
$name_larr = substr($v, 2);
$full = str_replace('{'.$v.'}', isset($lang[$name_larr])?$lang[$name_larr]:'[LANG_LOST:'.$name_larr.']', $full);
if (preg_match_all('/\[iflang\:(.+?)\](.+?)\[\/iflang\]/is', $short, $parr)) {
foreach ($parr[0] as $k => $v) {
$short = str_replace($v,($config['default_lang'] == $parr[1][$k])? $parr[2][$k]:'', $short);
if (preg_match_all('/\[iflang\:(.+?)\](.+?)\[\/iflang\]/is', $full, $parr)) {
foreach ($parr[0] as $k => $v) {
$full = str_replace($v,($config['default_lang'] == $parr[1][$k])? $parr[2][$k]:'', $full);
if ($config['use_bbcodes']) { $short = $parse -> bbcodes($short); $full = $parse -> bbcodes($full); }
if ($config['use_htmlformatter'] && (!($row['flags'] & 1))) {
$short = $parse -> htmlformatter($short); $full = $parse -> htmlformatter($full);
if ($config['use_smilies']) { $short = $parse -> smilies($short); $full = $parse -> smilies($full); }
if (1 && templateLoadVariables()) {
$short = $parse -> parseBBAttach($short, $mysql, $TemplateCache['site']['#variables']);
$full = $parse -> parseBBAttach($full, $mysql, $TemplateCache['site']['#variables']);
// Check if we need to regenerate short news
if (isset($regenShortNews['mode']) && ($regenShortNews['mode'] != '')) {
if ((($regenShortNews['mode'] == 'force')||(trim($short) == ''))&&(trim($full) != '')) {
if (!isset($regenShortNews['len']) || (intval($regenShortNews['len']) < 0)) { $regenShortNews['len'] = 50; }
if (!isset($regenShortNews['finisher'])) { $regenShortNews['finisher'] = '...'; }
$short = $parse -> truncateHTML($full, $regenShortNews['len'], $regenShortNews['finisher']);
$tvars['vars']['short-story'] = $short;
$tvars['vars']['full-story'] = $full;
// Activities for short mode
if (!$fullMode) {
// Make link for full news
$tvars['vars']['[full-link]'] = "<a href=\"".$nlink."\">";
$tvars['vars']['[/full-link]'] = "</a>";
$tvars['vars']['[link]'] = "<a href=\"".$nlink."\">";
$tvars['vars']['[/link]'] = "</a>";
$tvars['vars']['full-link'] = $nlink;
// Make blocks [fullnews] .. [/fullnews] and [nofullnews] .. [/nofullnews]
if (strlen($full)) {
// we have full news
$tvars['vars']['[fullnews]'] = '';
$tvars['vars']['[/fullnews]'] = '';
$tvars['regx']["'\[nofullnews\].*?\[/nofullnews\]'si"] = '';
} else {
// we have ONLY short news
$tvars['vars']['[nofullnews]'] = '';
$tvars['vars']['[/nofullnews]'] = '';
$tvars['regx']["'\[fullnews\].*?\[/fullnews\]'si"] = '';
} else {
$tvars['regx']["#\[full-link\].*?\[/full-link\]#si"] = '';
$tvars['regx']["#\[link\](.*?)\[/link\]#si"] = '$1';
$tvars['vars']['pinned'] = ($row['pinned']) ? "news_pinned" : "";
$tvars['vars']['category'] = @GetCategories($row['catid']);
$tvars['vars']['[print-link]'] = "<a href=\"".newsGenerateLink($row, true, $page)."\">";
$tvars['vars']['[/print-link]'] = "</a>";
$tvars['vars']['news_link'] = $nlink;
$tvars['vars']['news-id'] = $row['id'];
$tvars['vars']['php-self'] = $PHP_SELF;
if ($row['editdate'] > $row['postdate']) {
$tvars['regx']['[\[update\](.*)\[/update\]]'] = '$1';
$tvars['vars']['update'] = LangDate($config['timestamp_updated'], $row['editdate']);
} else {
$tvars['regx']['[\[update\](.*)\[/update\]]'] = '';
$tvars['vars']['update'] = '';
if ($more == '') {
$tvars['vars']['[more]'] = '';
$tvars['vars']['[/more]'] = '';
} else {
$tvars['regx']['#\[more\](.*?)\[/more\]#is'] = $more;
return $tvars;
// Fetch metatags rows
function GetMetatags() {
global $config, $SYSTEM_FLAGS;
if (!$config['meta'])
$meta['description'] = $config['description'];
$meta['keywords'] = $config['keywords'];
if (isset($SYSTEM_FLAGS['meta']['description']) && ($SYSTEM_FLAGS['meta']['description'] != ''))
$meta['description'] = $SYSTEM_FLAGS['meta']['description'];
if (isset($SYSTEM_FLAGS['meta']['keywords']) && ($SYSTEM_FLAGS['meta']['keywords'] != ''))
$meta['keywords'] = $SYSTEM_FLAGS['meta']['keywords'];
$result = ($meta['description'] != '')?"<meta name=\"description\" content=\"".secure_html($meta['description'])."\" />\r\n":'';
$result .= ($meta['keywords'] != '')?"<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"".secure_html($meta['keywords'])."\" />\r\n":'';
return $result;
// Generate pagination block
function generatePaginationBlock($current, $start, $end, $paginationParams, $navigations){
$result = '';
for ($j=$start; $j<=$end; $j++) {
if ($j == $current) {
$result .= str_replace('%page%',$j,$navigations['current_page']);
} else {
$result .= str_replace('%page%',$j,str_replace('%link%',generatePageLink($paginationParams, $j), $navigations['link_page']));
return $result;
// Generate navigations panel ( like: 1.2.[3].4. ... 25 )
// $current - current page
// $start - first page in navigations
// $end - last page in navigations
// $maxnav - maximum number of navigtions to show
// $paginationParams - pagination params [ for function generatePageLink() ]
function generatePagination($current, $start, $end, $maxnav, $paginationParams, $navigations){
$pages_count = $end - $start + 1;
$pages = '';
if ($pages_count > $maxnav) {
// We have more than 10 pages. Let's generate 3 parts
$sectionSize = floor($maxnav / 3);
// Section size should be not less 1 item
if ($sectionSize < 1)
$sectionSize = 1;
// Situation #1: 1,2,3,4,[5],6 ... 128
if ($current < ($sectionSize * 2)) {
$pages .= generatePaginationBlock($current, 1, $sectionSize * 2, $paginationParams, $navigations);
$pages .= $navigations['dots'];
$pages .= generatePaginationBlock($current, $pages_count-$sectionSize, $pages_count, $paginationParams, $navigations);
} elseif ($current > ($pages_count - $sectionSize * 2 + 1)) {
$pages .= generatePaginationBlock($current, 1, $sectionSize, $paginationParams, $navigations);
$pages .= $navigations['dots'];
$pages .= generatePaginationBlock($current, $pages_count-$sectionSize*2 + 1, $pages_count, $paginationParams, $navigations);
} else {
$pages .= generatePaginationBlock($current, 1, $sectionSize, $paginationParams, $navigations);
$pages .= $navigations['dots'];
$pages .= generatePaginationBlock($current, $current-1, $current+1, $paginationParams, $navigations);
$pages .= $navigations['dots'];
$pages .= generatePaginationBlock($current, $pages_count-$sectionSize, $pages_count, $paginationParams, $navigations);
} else {
// If we have less then $maxnav pages
$pages .= generatePaginationBlock($current, 1, $pages_count, $paginationParams, $navigations);
return $pages;
// Return user record by login
function locateUser($login) {
global $mysql;
if ($row = $mysql->record("select * from ".uprefix."_users where name = ".db_squote($login))) {
return $row;
return array();
function GetCategoryById($id) {
global $catz;
foreach ($catz as $cat) {
if ($cat['id'] == $id) {
return $cat;
return array();
if (!function_exists('json_encode'))
function utf8_to_html ($data) {
return preg_replace("/([\\xC0-\\xF7]{1,1}[\\x80-\\xBF]+)/e", '_utf8_to_html("\\1")', $data);
function _utf8_to_html ($data) {
$ret = 0;
foreach((str_split(strrev(chr((ord($data{0}) % 252 % 248 % 240 % 224 % 192) + 128) . substr($data, 1)))) as $k => $v)
$ret += (ord($v) % 128) * pow(64, $k);
// return "&#$ret;";
return sprintf("\u%04x", $ret);
function json_encode($a=false)
if (is_null($a)) return 'null';
if ($a === false) return 'false';
if ($a === true) return 'true';
if (is_scalar($a))
if (is_float($a))
// Always use "." for floats.
return floatval(str_replace(",", ".", strval($a)));
if (is_string($a))
static $jsonReplaces = array(array("\\", "/", "\n", "\t", "\r", "\b", "\f", '"'), array('\\\\', '\\/', '\\n', '\\t', '\\r', '\\b', '\\f', '\"'));
return '"' . utf8_to_html(str_replace($jsonReplaces[0], $jsonReplaces[1], $a)) . '"';
return $a;
$isList = true;
for ($i = 0, reset($a); $i < count($a); $i++, next($a))
if (key($a) !== $i)
$isList = false;
$result = array();
if ($isList)
foreach ($a as $v) $result[] = json_encode($v);
return '[' . join(',', $result) . ']';
foreach ($a as $k => $v) $result[] = json_encode($k).':'.json_encode($v);
return '{' . join(',', $result) . '}';
// Add json_decode() support for PHP < 5.2.0
if (!function_exists('json_decode')) {
function json_decode($json, $assoc = false) {
include_once root.'includes/classes/json.php';
$jclass = new Services_JSON($assoc?SERVICES_JSON_LOOSE_TYPE:0);
return $jclass->decode($json);
// Parse params
function parseParams($paramLine){
// Start scanning
// State:
// 0 - waiting for name
// 1 - scanning name
// 2 - waiting for '='
// 3 - waiting for value
// 4 - scanning value
// 5 - complete
$state = 0;
// 0 - no quotes activated
// 1 - single quotes activated
// 2 - double quotes activated
$quotes = 0;
$keyName = '';
$keyValue = '';
$errorFlag = 0;
$keys = array();
for ($sI = 0; $sI < strlen($paramLine); $sI ++) {
// act according current state
$x = $paramLine{$sI};
switch ($state) {
case 0: if ($x == "'") { $quotes = 1; $state = 1; $keyName = '';}
else if ($x == "'") { $quotes = 2; $state = 1; $keyName = ''; }
else if ((($x >='A')&&($x <='Z'))||(($x >='a')&&($x <='z'))) { $state = 1; $keyName = $x; }
case 1: if ((($quotes == 1)&&($x == "'"))||(($quotes == 2)&&($x == '"'))) { $quotes = 0; $state=2; }
else if ((($x >='A')&&($x <='Z'))||(($x >='a')&&($x <='z'))) { $keyName .= $x; }
else if ($x == '=') { $state = 3; }
else if (($x == ' ')||($x == chr(9))) { $state = 2; }
else { $erorFlag = 1; }
case 2: if ($x == '=') { $state = 3; }
else if (($x == ' ')||($x == chr(9))) { ; }
else { $errorFlag = 1; }
case 3: if ($x == "'") { $quotes = 1; $state = 4; $keyValue = '';}
else if ($x == '"') { $quotes = 2; $state = 4; $keyValue = ''; }
else if ((($x >='A')&&($x <='Z'))||(($x >='a')&&($x <='z'))) { $state = 4; $keyValue = $x; }
case 4: if ((($quotes == 1)&&($x == "'"))||(($quotes == 2)&&($x == '"'))) { $quotes = 0; $state=5; }
else if (!$quotes && (($x == ' ')||($x == chr(9)))) { $state = 5; }
else { $keyValue .= $x; }
// Action in case when scanning is complete
if ($state == 5) {
$keys [ strtolower($keyName) ] = $keyValue;
$state = 0;
// If we finished and we're in stete "scanning value" - register this field
if ($state == 4) {
$keys [ strtolower($keyName) ] = $keyValue;
$state = 0;
// If we have any other state - report an error
if ($state) {
$errorFlag = 1; // print "EF ($state)[".$paramLine."].";
if ($errorFlag) {
return -1;
return $keys;
// Print output HTTP headers
function printHTTPheaders() {
foreach ($SYSTEM_FLAGS['http.headers'] as $hkey => $hvalue) {
@header($hkey.': '.$hvalue);
// Generate error "PAGE NOT FOUND"
function error404(){
global $config, $tpl, $template, $SYSTEM_FLAGS, $lang;
@header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not found');
switch ($config['404_mode']) {
// HTTP error 404
case 2:
// External error template
case 1:
$tpl->template('404.external', tpl_site);
$tpl->vars('404.external', array());
echo $tpl->show('404.external');
// Internal error template
case 0:
$tpl->template('404.internal', tpl_site);
$tpl->vars('404.internal', array());
$template['vars']['mainblock'] = $tpl->show('404.internal');
$SYSTEM_FLAGS['info']['title']['group'] = $lang['404.title'];
// Generate SecureToken for protection from CSRF attacks
function genUToken($identity = ''){
global $userROW, $config;
$line = $identity;
if (isset($userROW))
$line.= $userROW['id'].$userROW['authcookie'];
if (isset($config['UUID']))
$line .= $config['UUID'];
return md5($line);
// Converse array charset
// $direction:
// 0 - Win1251 => UTF-8
// 1 - UTF-8 => Win1251
// $data
function arrayCharsetConvert($direction, $data) {
if (!is_array($data))
return iconv($direction?'UTF-8':'Windows-1251', $direction?'Windows-1251':'UTF-8', $data);
$result = array();
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
$result[iconv($direction?'UTF-8':'Windows-1251', $direction?'Windows-1251':'UTF-8', $k)] = is_array($v)?arrayCharsetConvert($direction, $v):iconv($direction?'UTF-8':'Windows-1251', $direction?'Windows-1251':'UTF-8', $v);
return $result;
// Check if user $user have access to identity $identity with mode $mode
// $identity - array with element characteristics
// * plugin - id of plugin
// * item - id of item in plugin
// * ds - id of Date Source (if applicable)
// * ds_id - id of item from DS (if applicable)
// $user - user record or null if access is checked for current user
// $mode - access mode:
// 'view'
// 'details'
// 'modify'
// $way - way for content access
// 'rpc' - via rpc
// '' - default access via site
function checkPermission($identity, $user = null, $mode = '', $way = '') {
global $userROW;
// if (($identity['plugin'] == '#admin') && ($identity['item'] == 'users') && ($mode == 'modify')) return false;
// if (($identity['plugin'] == '#admin') && ($identity['item'] == 'users') && ($mode == 'details')) return false;
//if (($identity['plugin'] == '#admin.static') && ($identity['item'] == 'details')) return false;
return true;
// Generate record in System LOG for security audit and logging of changes
// $identity - array of params for identification if object
// * plugin - id of plugin
// * item - id of item in plugin
// * ds - id of Date Source (if applicable)
// * ds_id - id of item from DS (if applicable)
// $action - array of params to identify action
// * action - id of action
// * list - list of changed fields
// $user - user record or null if access is checked for current user
// $status - array of params to identify resulting status
// * [0] - state [ 0 - fail, 1 - ok ]
// * [1] - text value CODE of error (if have error)
function ngSYSLOG($identity, $action, $user, $status){
//print "<pre>ngSYSLOG: ".var_export($identity, true)."\n".var_export($action, true)."\n".var_export($user, true)."\n".var_export($status, true)."</pre>";
// HANDLER: Exceptions
function ngExceptionHandler($exception) {
<title>NGCMS Runtime exception: <?php echo get_class($exception); ?></title>
body {
font: 1em Georgia,"Times New Roman",serif;
.dmsg {
border: 1px #EEEEEE solid;
padding: 10px;
background-color: yellow;
.dtrace TBODY TD {
padding: 3px;
/*border: 1px #EEEEEE solid;*/
background-color: #EEEEEE;
.dtrace THEAD TD {
padding: 3px;
background-color: #EEEEEE;
font-weight: bold;
print "<h1>NGCMS Runtime exception: ".get_class($exception)."</h1>\n";
print "<div class='dmsg'>".$exception->getMessage()."</div><br/>";
print "<h2>Stack trace</h2>";
print "<table class='dtrace'><thead><tr><td>#</td><td>Line #</td><td><i>Class</i>/Function</td><td>File name</td></tr></thead><tbody>";
foreach ($exception->getTrace() as $k => $v) {
print "<tr><td>".$k."</td><td>".$v['line']."</td><td>".(isset($v['class'])?('<i>'.$v['class'].'</i>'):$v['function'])."</td><td>".$v['file']."</td></tr>\n";
print "</tbody></table>";
// HANDLER: Errors
function ngErrorHandler($code, $message, $file, $line)
//if (0 == error_reporting())
// return;
//print "ERROR: [$code]($message)[$line]($file)<br/>\n";
// HANDLER: Shutdown
function ngShutdownHandler() {
$lastError = error_get_last();
// Activate only for fatal errors
$flagFatal = 0;
switch ($lastError['type']) {
case E_ERROR:
case E_PARSE:
$flagFatal = 1;
if (!$flagFatal)
return true;
<title>NGCMS Runtime error: <?php echo $lastError['message']; ?></title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
font: 1em Georgia,"Times New Roman",serif;
.dmsg {
border: 1px #EEEEEE solid;
padding: 10px;
background-color: yellow;
.dtrace TBODY TD {
padding: 3px;
/*border: 1px #EEEEEE solid;*/
background-color: #EEEEEE;
.dtrace THEAD TD {
padding: 3px;
background-color: #EEEEEE;
font-weight: bold;
<div id="hdrSpanItem"></div>
<script language="Javascript">
var i = 0;
var cnt = 0;
while (i < document.body.childNodes.length) {
var node = document.body.childNodes[i];
if (node.tagName == 'DIV') {
if ((node.tagName == 'TITLE')||(node.tagName == 'STYLE')) {
} else {
print "<h1>NGCMS Runtime error: ".$lastError['message']."</h1>\n";
print "<div class='dmsg'>[ ".$lastError['type']."]: ".$lastError['message']."</div><br/>";
print "<h2>Stack trace</h2>";
print "<table class='dtrace'><thead><td>Line #</td><td>File name</td></tr></thead><tbody>";
print "<tr><td>".$lastError['line']."</td><td>".$lastError['file']."</td></tr></tbody></table>";
return false;
function twigLocalPath($context) {
//print $var1->getTemplateName();
return $context['_templatePath'];
// Software generated fatal error
function ngFatalError($title, $description = '') {
<title>NGCMS Runtime error: <?php echo $title; ?></title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
font: 1em Georgia,"Times New Roman",serif;
.dmsg {
border: 1px #EEEEEE solid;
padding: 10px;
background-color: yellow;
.dtrace TBODY TD {
padding: 3px;
/*border: 1px #EEEEEE solid;*/
background-color: #EEEEEE;
.dtrace THEAD TD {
padding: 3px;
background-color: #EEEEEE;
font-weight: bold;
<div id="hdrSpanItem"></div>
<script language="Javascript">
var i = 0;
var cnt = 0;
while (i < document.body.childNodes.length) {
var node = document.body.childNodes[i];
if (node.tagName == 'DIV') {
if ((node.tagName == 'TITLE')||(node.tagName == 'STYLE')) {
} else {
print "<h1>NGCMS Software generated fatal error: ".$title."</h1>\n";
print "<div class='dmsg'>[ Software error ]: ".$title."</div><br/>";
if ($description) {
print "<p><i>".$description."</i></p>";
print "<h2>Stack trace</h2>";
print "<table class='dtrace'><thead><td>Line #</td><td>Function</td><td>File name</td></tr></thead><tbody>";
$trace = debug_backtrace();
$num = 0;
foreach ($trace as $k => $v) {
print "<tr><td>".$v['line']."</td><td>".$v['function']."<td>".$v['file']."</td></tr>";
if ($num > 3) {
print "<tr><td colspan='3'>...</td></tr>";
print "</tbody></table></body></html>";
Изменено easmik (2011-12-31 02:54:53)
Не в сети
Не в сети
Я уже разобрался, оставь как есть. По поводу keywords, оптимально конечно дать настройку по каким поля задействовать поиск. И было бы круто если были приоритеты, сначала все новости в заголовка которых есть текст, потом в тексте, потом в ключевиках, сейчас наверное все идет в куче.
Не в сети
Поиск надо полностью переделывать, а не надстройки лепить.
Не в сети
Не в сети
Да и не только это.
1. Поиск по статике.
2. Выбор категорий переделывать.
3. К дате подключить календарь.
4. Вывод результатов как "короткие статьи" / как "заголовки".
5. Сортировки результатов: по дате, по заголовку, по автору, по категории, по кол-ву коментариев, по кол-ву просмотров.
6. Sphinx.
Не в сети
Что такое семантический поиск в твоем понимании? Плчитал в инете, все подразумеваю на мой взгляд совсем разные штуки под ютим словосочетанием.
1. Индексация слов из текста
2. Возможность искать с учётом корней слов (в поиске ввёл "собака", а нашлись статьи в которых есть "собак" и "собаки")
3. Поиск на основе индекса, а не полным сканированием всех новостей (как делает mysql при поиске через like)
Не в сети
Wolverine, понял тебя, спасибо
vitaly, у меня есть уже реализация морфологического поиска в том числе на русском языке, только ума не хватает прилепить к NG, так что если интересно пришлю и скрипты и словарь.
Не в сети
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